Articles by keyword gene
Microwave Chaos Generation by the Ring-Structure Oscillating System Represented in Integrated Microcircuit
A. Yu. Nikishov
Optimization Application in Adaptive Converters
R.V. Litovkin
Antimutagens and Adaptating Factors Comparison Concerning Protein and Genetic Polymorphisms in Radioresistant and Radiosensitive Human Cells
Zasukhina G.D., Vasilyeva I.M., Shagirova G.M., Sinelshchikova T.A., Mavletova D.A.
Polymorphisms at the Glutathione S-transferase T1, M1, P1 in Lungs Cancer Sick and Prostate Cancer Sick
Davidova N.A., Dmitrieva A.I., Sevostyanova N.V., Tkachenko S.B., Selivanov S.P., Kolomiets S.A., Avkhimenko V.A., Novitski V.V.
Nfatc4 gene polymorphism and aerobic performance in athletes
I.I. Ahmetov, D.V. Popov, Yu.V. Shikhova, S.S. Missina, O.A. Sarayev, O.L. Vinogradova, V.A. Rogozkin
The mechanism of cell renewal in biotkanyah
A.N. Pavlov
Noise Parameters of Six-Pole Circuits
K.I. Almazov-Doljenko, S.V. Pantikin
Modern hybrid-integrated autodyne oscillators of microwave and millimeter range and their applications. Part 6. Research of radio-pulse autodynes
V. Ya. Noskov, S. M. Smolskiy
Progress in millimeter and submillimeter waves technology
R. P. Bistrov, A. V. Sokolov, L. V. Fedorova, R. N. Chekanov
Noninvasive Methods of the Selection of the Substantial Informative Components and Clusterization of Acoustic Noises of Arbitrary Nature
R.R. Nigmatullin, V.A. Toboev
New Models of Generator-s Regular Oscillation
A.A. Kolesnikov
Formation of an Entrance Signal of a Watching Measuring Instrument by a Method of Restoration of a Trajectory of the Target for Research of its Functioning
S.N. Daniloff, A.P. Pudovkin
Modelling Generators, Running from a Magnetic Field, with Using of Microwave Office
A.L. Khvalin, V.N. Samoldanov, A.V. Vasilev
The Evaluation of Laws Actuation Mechanism Influense of Artificial Arm on the Operator-Invalid
G. N. Burov, Ya. Ya. Abu-Janiej
The strategy of learning and interpretation of neural network designed for computer knowledge control
A. P. Sviridov, A. M. Titov
The Models of Hardware Functional Shapers of Permutations
J.A. Molodchenko, L.S. Sotov, V.N. Harin
Method of Determination of the Stationary Segments Based on the Statistics of the Fractional Moments
R.R. Nigmatullin, V.A. Toboev
The Simulation of Angular Noise of Spread Radar Objects
O.N. Akinshin, A.V. Boldin, V.V. Manujlov, A.U. Podchoofarov
Differential Method of Nonlinear Regim Diagnostics
V. A. Kovalev, I. V. Kovalev
Influence of Connection Delay on Processes of Oscillations Interaction in the Connected System with Chaotic Dynamics
E.V. Kal-yanov, V.I. Kalinin
L.E. Salnikova, T.I. Ivanova, T.V. Kondrashova, L.I. Krikunova, N.I. Shentereva, I.A. Smirnova, I.A. Zharikova, N.Sh. Lapteva, A.G. Chumachenko, N.I. Ryabchenko, A.V. Rubanovich
E.S. Piruzian, I.M. Korsunskaya, V.V. Sobolev, R.M. Abdeev, A.L. Piruzyan, D.N. Serov, N.L. Starodubtseva, A.M. Elkin, S.A. Ilyina, A.G. Soboleva, S.A. Bruskin
L.A. Piruzjan, K.S. Gjulazizova, И.С. Nikolaev, A.S. Kabankin, G.P. Suhinina, N.E. Pynko, A.D. Radkevich, A.R. Kuznetsova, L.A. Radkevich
O.V. Sirotkina, N.A. Bogankova, A.E. Taraskina, E.L. Zheleznyak, S.A. Boldueva, T.V. Vavilova
GLONASS/GPS receiver-comparator raises a short-term frequency instability of UHF generators measurements accuracy
V. V. Akulov, T. S. Rizhakova
Relation between Parameters of the Microwave Two-Port Network and Elements its Scattering Matrixes at Complex Impedances of the Generator and Loading
A.I. Tchizhov
The Survey of Modern State of Application of Nonlinear Parametrical Zone Resonators in Electronic Equipment and Prospects of their Subsequent Development in XXI-st Century
L. V. Cherkesova
Mathematical models of the analysis of processes of resonance scattering and generation of the third harmonic by the diffraction of a plane wave through a layered, cubically polarisable structure
L. Angermann, V.V. Yatsyk
The special signals class usage for the information transfer in the radiosystems with coded chanels division
A. P. Zhuk, L. A. Fomin, D. V. Romanko, D. V. Orel
Inverstigation on linear subsystems of nonlinear equation systems for gamma generators
V.M. Fomichev, N.V. Fomichev
The automated synthesis of typical schemes of treatment on the basis of medical data
A. I. Molodchenkov
Adaptive antenna characteristics in spatial polarization signal processing
D.D. Gabriel'yan, M.Yu. Zvezdina, Yu.A. Zvezdina, Yu.D. Bezuglov
Interrelation of Zones of Instability of the Resonant Nonlinear Parametrical Zone Systems without the Account of Losses with Phase Portraits
L.V. Cherkesova
Propagation of Electromagnetic Wave through an One-Dimensional Layer with an Arbitrary Complex Refractive Index
A.G. Khachatrian
Estimation of Efficiency of the General Magnetotherapy in Complex Treatment at Elderly Patients with Chronic Warm Insufficiency
T.V. Repkina, T.V. Osipova, T.V. Kulishova, T.T. Karmanova
The modeling of area localized objects on the uniform background with the neural net usage
A. A. Sirota, E. V. Voronova
The simulator of seismic signals for security systems
K.V. Kostenko, V.F. Shevtsov
The interleft cyclic codes detection taking into account structure of the code patterns greatest general divider
E.I. Balounin, A.P. Ratoushin, A.J. Barinov
The generalized mathematical model of recurrent generators of non binary pseudo random sequences
I.U. Eremeev
Nonlinear Thermal Diagnostics of Friction in Radial Polymer Sliding Bearings Subject to Shaft Mobility
A.S. Kondakov, N.P. Starostin, M.A. Vasilyeva
Phase-shift Keyed Signal with Amplitude Modulated Envelop for Transmitting Timing Frequency
I.M. Lerner, G.I. Il'in
Phase-shift Keyed Signal Produced by Transient Processes are Induced by Intermittent Phase Variations on the Input of Oscillation Circuit
I.M. Lerner
The synthesized and combined diagrams of a heart rhythm
A. A. Kuznetzov, A. A. Plehanov, L. T. Sushkova
Generalized Probabilistic Models Conditionally Poisson Stream
Gromov, Y.Y., Karpov, I.G., Nurutdinov, G.N., Proskurin, D.K.
Solution of the Challenges of Designing a Microwave Oscillator with Internal Feedback in the Bipolar Transistor
D.M. Gorbachev, E.V. Mazeev, M.A. Fursaev
Construction Features Adaptive Control Systems of Matching Devices for Mobile Phase Antenna Arrays of Decameter Wave Band
A. A. Shilov
Possibility Analysis of Subwavelength Light Localization and Focus Extending for High-Aperture Focusing System Using Vortical Phase Transmission Function
S.N. Khonina, S.G. Volotovsky
Study of genetic algorithms for multilayer perceptron training
L. G. Komartsova, D. S. Kadnikov
Application of perspective energy sources connection of fuel cells on means of land maintenance of flights for the purpose of increase of reliability of given out energy
V.D. Vinokurov, S.D. Vinokurov, I.K. Shuklin
Construction of prediction algorithm for estimation of parameters of diesel power generator
V. A. Atroshenko, R. A. Dyaсhenko, M. D. Mokhammed
L.A. Piruzjan, K.S. Gjulazizova, И.С. Nikolaeva, A.S. Kabankin, G.P. Sukhinina, N.E. Pynko, A.D. Radkevich, A.R. Kuznetsova, L.A. Radkevich
S100A8 and A100A9 expression in psoriatic skin
S.A. Ilyina, A.D. Zolotarenko, A.L. Piruzyan, M.T. Minnibaev, S.A. Bruskin, V.V. Sobolev
Productive development of generalising ability of multilayer perceptron
P. E. Khrustalyov
Mathematical modelling of electrolytic plasma treatment process using neural networks
E. V. Parfenov, A. R. Fatkullin, D. M. Lazarev, A. L. Yerokhin
Numerical Investigation of forward and Backward Waves Interaction in Non-linear Alectromagnetic Crystal
S.E. Bankov
The Nonlinear Analysis of a Multifrequency Mode M-type Backward Wave Oscillator
A.G. Shein, M.V. Galats
Parametrical Zone Tact Method and Devices of Transfer and Receiving of Information
L.V. Cherkesova
Symptoms correction of chronic generalized periodontitis women in different phases
I.V. Radysh, A.M. Avanesov, A.A. Sutormina
Methodology of NPS-approach to quality rating performance of account service structures
O. A. Malygina, I. N. Rudenskaya, A. G. Shuhov
Research and simulation of processes in multimotor mechatronic system with backlashes in mechanical drive
S. S. Malafeev, A. V. Chernyaev
Algorythms and Technologies of UWB Signals
Yu.M. Braude-Zolotarev
Functional Realization of Methods of Increase of Noise Immunity of Open Communication Channels
A.V. Strukov
Turnstile Antenna Parameters Optimization by Means of Passive Elements
P. N. Dagurov, A. V. Dmitriev
The Mechanism of Transfer Electrones from Semiquinon Radicals to Ions of Metals
V.I. Porhun, V.A. Navrotskii, L.N. Rygalov
Resonant Scattering and Generation of Waves by Isotropic Non-linear Cubically Polarisable Layered Structure. The Problem Statement
V. V. Yatsyk
Principles of Evaluation of the Functional Status Based on the Control Parameters of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
O.V. Melnik, A.A. Mikheev
Heuristic algorithm for the approximate solution of the packing problem
V. V. Psyola
Specificity of molecular processes as a basis of neural integrative activity
V. P. Nikitin, V. V. Sherstnev
V. A. Hussarov
The method of genetic maps for spam detection problem
S. V. Korelov, L. Yu. Rotkov
Optimization Scheme of Power Computer Equipment
T.S. Abbasova
The Description of Properties of Dynamic System - a Constructive Element of the Device of Protection of the Information Dynamic Klasterno-Attraktornoj Networks
A.V. Strukov
Synthesis of Comb-Like Aperture of the Antenna Leaky Wave
A.V. Ostankov
Modeling Aggregated Telecommunications Channel with the Technology of Open Flows
A.P. Shibanov, V.P. Koryachko, J.L. Izhvanov
Melanocortins Modulate Expression of Several Neurotrophic Factors in Rat Hippocampal Cells In Vitro
O.V. Dolotov, E.V. Dubynina, L.S. Inozemtseva, D.D. Markov, K.A. Yatsenko, I.A. Grivennikov
Polymorphism of Endothelin-1 Gene Lys198Asn Locus and its Protein Product Blood Level at Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
A.A. Baygildina, D.V. Islamgulov, E.K. Khusnutdinova
Expression of Genes Controlled Biosynthesis of Glutathione under Development of Drug Resistance of Cancer Cells to Doxorubicin
E.V. Kalinina, T.T. Berozov, N.N. Chernov, A.A. Shtil, V.A. Glasunova, M.D. Novichkova, N.K. Nurmuradov
Rating of «nano» and «pico» probabilities of rare events of biometric authentication on small test samples
V.A. Funtikov
Method of Synthesis of Self-Similar Oscillation Generators. Energetics Invariants
A.A. Kolesnikov
The research of symbol frequency stability for a BPSK signal generated by the transition process
I.M. Lerner, G.I. Il'in
Uniform two dimensional Boolean cellular automata and their properties in pseudorandom sequences generation
B.M. Sukhinin
Genetic optimization of role-based access schemes
I.B. Saenko, I.V. Kotenko
Polymorphism of the Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) Gene and a Suicide
L.A. Piruzjan, I.S. Nikolaeva, K.S. Gjulazizova, A.S. Kabankin, A.V. Sintsov, D.A. Radkevich, L.A. Radkevich
Procedure of Design of Radio-electronic Equipment on the Basis of Nonlinear-parametric Zone Systems
L.V. Cherkesova
Dynamic characteristics of the magnetron generator
I.I. Artyukhov, A.I. Zemtsov
Some results of the study of medicinal plants flora North Caucasus
V.A. Chelombitko, T.V. Orlovskaya, E.F. Lozovitskaya-Shcherbinina, A.A. Shamilov, E.R. Grigoryan, A.V. Ohremchuk, M.S. Babayan
Generation of Wide Null in Radiation Pattern of Phased Array Antennas with Consistent Correction Method
A.M. Shitikov, A.V. Sablin
Expression of genes encoding isoforms of thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase under development of cancer cell resistance to doxorubicin
E.V. Kalinina, T.T. Berozov, N.N. Chernov, A.A. Shtil, V.A. Glasunova, M.D. Novichkova, N.K. Nurmuradov
The analysis of physical processes of nonlinear parametrical zone system as versions of the nonlinear resonator
G.P. Sinjavsky, L.V. Cherkesova, A.N. Zaichenko
Modeling Antenna Systems Based on Extremely Spatially Limited Surface
M.A. Buzova, D.V. Filippov
Estimating Accuracy Impact of Algorithm of Electrodynamics Analysis Eclectic Antenna Systems
M.A. Buzova, V.V. Yudin
Redox-Dependent Change of Expression of Genes Encoding Isoforms of Peroxiredoxin in Cancer Cells Resistant to Doxorubicin
E.V. Kalinina, T.T. Berozov, N.N. Chernov, A.A. Shtil, V.A. Glasunova, О.М. Kuznetsova, Е.А. Riskina, А.А. Еfremova, М.М. Basharov, S.S. Padaryan, U.V. Dutikova, A.A. Markova
Conceptual aspects theories of development of innovative potential
A.S. Dudnikov, P.N. Dytynenko
Synthesis of an algorithm of hierarchical control of UAVs group
V.I. Merkulov, V.P. Khar-kov
Application of hadamard product in the problem of ordered partitions enumeration
E.A. Potekhina
On the attractor of an implicit projection-difference scheme for the two-layer atmospheric general circulation model with time-dependent right-hand side
V.M. Ipatova
Resonant scattering and generation of waves by isotropic non-linear cubically polarisable layered structure. The numerical analysis
V.V. Yatsyk
Methods of soft computing in the organization of CAD documents repository
N.G. Yarushkina, A.M. Namestnikov
The issue of information diagnostic processing in the two-level recovery system of the electronic equipment
V.F. Voskoboev, A.Y. Nikitin
The nonconventional electric power industry providing progress of technologies of the future
V.P. Marin, A.V. Sidorova
Design of mechanical systems based on wave motion control systems for antennas and autonomous entities
V.A. Vasin, E.N. Ivashov, S.V. Stepanchikov, A.S. Chernousova
Evaluation for adequacy of modeling and semi nature simulation applied to tests of aircraft radar with active phased antenna array (APAA)
A.V. Bondarenko, S.N. Vaipan, A.A. Vakulenko, A.V. Vasiliev
Modeling of systems with variable time parameters for the formation of optimal physiotherapy signals adapted to the physiological parameters of the patient
E.A. Aliev
Synthesis of optimal control based on the use of physical principles
A.A. Kostoglotov, A.I. Kostoglotov, A.A. Kuznetsov, S.V. Lazarenko
Matrix synthesis of the broadband arrays with complex management
P.N. Bashly, A.S. Pomysov, E.A. Samojlin, A.N. Novikov
Molecular mechanism of bioresonance therapy - the influence on genes expression. Part II
L.A. Boсkeria, O.L. Boсkeria, N.T. Salia, D.V. Dzidziguri, E.D. Bakuradze, М.Y. Gotovsky
Construction of a random number generator based on XTR cryptosystem using the approximate method
N.I. Chervyakov, M.G. Babenko, N.F. Semenova
Rational design procedure for circularcylindrical shells with transverse reinforcements
Е.V. Beloborodova
Development of the system of regional accounts: social accounting matrix
O.V. Gromova
Genetic studies of bone tumors
N.E. Kushlinskii, Yu.S. Timofeev, E.V. Generozov, I.V. Boulytcheva, Yu.N. Soloviev
Epidermal growth factor receptors and their ligancds in malignant tumours: significance and prospects in clinic
O.I. Kostyleva, E.S. Gershtein
Evaluation for adequacy of modeling and semi nature simulation applied to tests of aircraft radar with active phased antenna array (APAA)
A.V. Bondarenko, S.N. Vaipan, A.A. Vakulenko, A.V. Vasiliev
The combinational frequencies generation by the complex spectral composition signal amplification in a TWT M-type
D.L. Yeskin, D.G. Kovtun, A.G. Shein
Molecular-genetics pathology of gastric cancer
M.V. Nemtsova, I.I. Bykov, N.V. Checunova, D.V. Zaletaev, A.I. Glukhov, T.V. Kchorobrich
Neural networks application in the investment strategies optimization
V.U. Arkov, A.M. Shamsieva
Working out of a cryptographic primitive thing with use of the theory of chaos
A.V. Strukov
Compact temperature compensated calibrated microwave noise generator with high output integrated noise power
M.B. Orehov, A.I. Grigorjev, S.V. Karavaev, A.V. Miloshevskaya
L-band printed log-periodic phased array antenna for limited space arrangement
E.V. Ilyin, M.S. Miloserdov, V.S.Temchenko
Analysis of the parameters of microwave dielectric materials
A.I. Pikyl, N.А. Trefilov, Е.V. Egorova, А.V. Shpak, А.А. Markin, А.S. Avetisov, М.М. Krytov
Generalized criterion of a heart rhythm vegetative influences balance
A.A. Kuznetsov
Conception of the mobile autonomous service medical robots
D.A. Rogatkin, D.G. Lapitan, L.G. Lapaeva
Object detection with MSER clusterization
A.V. Orlova, P.V. Skribtsov, A.V. Dolgopolov
Methods of increase of efficiency of the multidimensional statistical control
V.N. Klyachkin, Ju.A. Kravtsov, T.I. Svjatova
Conceptual indexing and clustering of archive of cad documentation on the basis of ontology
A.M. Namestnikov
New approaches to anticancer drug design
S.A. Kondratyeva
Construction a hybrid intelligent information framework and components of expert systems using the generalized data envelopment analysis model
V.E. Krivinozhko, A.V. Rozhnov, A.V. Lychev
The intellectual «tactical» systems in the generating core of the complex technical object
B.E. Fedunov
Stem cells for correction of neurodegenerative disorders
E.V. Loseva
Genes expression variation determing cell homeostasis in Down syndrome patients
G.D. Zasukhina, G.M. Shagirova, N.V. Reutova, T.N. Maksimova, V.F. Mihajlov
Minimizing the number of processing channels of the planar array antenna based on genetic algorithm
A.Yu. Larin, A.V. Litvinov, S.E. Mishchenko, A.S. Pomysov, S.A. Shelkoplyasov
Oscillating random walk in problem of ordered partitions enumeration
E.A. Potekhina
Simple generator of the fractal images
S.A. Ostanin
Attractors of differential inclusions for models of the atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, containing multivalued functions
V.M. Ipatova
Secure pseudorandom linear sequences generators, based on arithmetic polynoms for protected communication systems
S.А. Dichenko - an Associate of the Military Academy of Communications. E-mail:
О.А. Finko - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Department of the branch of the Military Academy of Communications (Krasnodar). E-mail:
Systems of molecular-genetics markers in gastric cancer
M.V. Nemtsova - Dr.Sci. (Biol.), Рrofessor of Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
I.I. Bykov - Ph.D. (Med), Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
N.V. Checunova - Post-graduate student, Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
D.V. Zaletaev - Dr.Sc. (Biol.),Professor, Head of Laboratory Of Human Molecular Genetics, Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
A.I. Glukhov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor of Department of Biochemistry, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
T.V. Kchorobrich - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor of the Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
Generator of high-voltage nanosecond pulses avalanche transistors
M.A. Karpov - Ph. D. (Eng), MIREA
D.V. Nikishin - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
A.V. Shpak - Ph. D. (Eng), MIREA
E.V. Egorova - Ph. D. (Eng), MIREA
E.O. Petrenko - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
S.S. Halimov - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
Raising the polynomial to the power
N.I. Bazenkov - Ph.D. (Eng.) (Tomsk)
A.M. Zabolotsky - Postdoctoral Student, Department of Television and Control, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Tomsk). E-mail:
Heuristic algorithms for modeling and optimization of complex networks structures
V.V. Kashirin - Junior Research Scientist, National Research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics. E-mail:
S.V. Ivanov - Ph. D., Senior Research Scientist, National Research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics. E-mail:
A.V. Boukhanovsky - Dr. Sci., Professor, Leading Research Scientist, National Research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics. E-mail:
Super resolution microscopy of materials with high nonlinearity
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, S.V. Semin, S.D. Lavrov
The radiative properties of columnar semiconductor nanostructures
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, N.A. Ilyin, S.D. Lavrov, A.M. Buryakov, A.N. Belov, O.V. Pyatilova, Y. Nazarkina, M.V. Silibin, S.A. Gavrilov
Generalized ambiguity functions of MIMO type spatially multi-channel radars with narrow antenna beams of transmitting and receiving elements
I.V. Kryuchkov - Head of department of Scientific Researcher Institute of Radio-Electronic Engineering, Bauman MSTU, teaching assistant of «Radioelectronic systems and devices» chair of BMSTU. E-mail:
S.I. Nefedov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, vice director of Scientific Researcher Institute of Radio-Electronic Engineering, Bauman MSTU Associate Professor of «Radioelectronic systems and devices» chair of BMSTU. E-mail:
M.I. Noniashvili - head of sector of NII RET BMSTU
V. V. Chapursky - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Scientific Researcher Institute of Radio-Electronic Engineering, Bauman MSTU
The radiative properties of columnar semiconductor nanostructures
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, N.A. Ilyin, S.D. Lavrov, A.M. Buryakov, A.N. Belov, O.V. Pyatilova, Y. Nazarkina, M.V. Silibin, S.A. Gavrilov
Generator of high-voltage nanosecond pulses avalanche transistors
M.A. Karpov - Ph. D. (Eng), MIREA
D.V. Nikishin - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
A.V. Shpak - Ph. D. (Eng), MIREA
E.V. Egorova - Ph. D. (Eng), MIREA
E.O. Petrenko - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
S.S. Halimov - Post-graduate Student, MIREA
Tables for raising the polynomial to the power
N.I. Bazenkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), (Tomsk)
A.M. Zabolotsky - Postdoctoral Student, Department of Television and Control, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail:
Block cipher- and hash-based deterministic random number generators: principles of synthesis and methods of analysis
G.B. Marshalko - expert
Application of genetic algorithms to network rotocol vulnerabilities search through implementation of fuzzing technique
A.I. Pechenkin - Post-graduate Student, National Research University, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
Negation of the decoder
O.A. Gromov - Assistant, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
A.Y. Gorodilov - Research Associate, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
A.A. Suleymanov - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
S.F. Turin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Transient process in synthesizers with elements switching in phase-locked loop system
S.K. Romanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head researcher, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
N.M. Tikhomirov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of scientific and technical department, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
A.V. Lenshin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor of chair, Military Aviation Engineers University. E-mail:
V.N. Tikhomirov - Post-graduate student, designer, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
Fractionality interference calculation procedure in phase and digital frequency synthesizer
S.K. Romanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head researcher, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
N.M. Tikhomirov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Head of scientific and technical department, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
A.V. Grechishkin - Post-graduate student, Head designer, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
V.N. Tikhomirov - Post-graduate student, Designer, JSC "Sozvezdie" Concern?. E-mail:
Optimization of ozone electrosynthesis in the specialized units for medical and biotechnological application
L.M. Agalakova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Vyatski State University. E-mail:
V.I. Panteleev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Vyatski State University. E-mail:
I.V. Matveychuk - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head Scientific and educational-methodic centre of bio-medical technologies of Russian Institute of medicinal and aromatic plants of Russian Academy of agricultural Sciences. E-mail:
V.V. Rozanov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Deputy Director of Scientific and Information-Methodical Centre «Basis» of Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Leading Researcher of Scientific Centre of hydro-physics researches, professor of the Department of accelerators physics and radiation medicine of physical faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
S.V. Al-kov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Medical-Technics Information Technologies Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Main researcher Scientific Institute of Bio-Medical Technologies of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
Consideration of precise point positioning in global navigation satellite systems
A. A. Povalyaev - Dr. Sci (Eng.), associate professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), JSC «Russian Space Systems » (RSS). E-mail:
A. N. Podkorytov - graduate student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Digital shaper of radar-tracking signals (DSRTS)
M.S. Baranova - JSC «MSDB «Almaz-Antey» named after A. A. Raspletin», Moscow. E-mail:
S.N. Filin - JSC «MSDB «Almaz-Antey» named after A. A. Raspletin», Moscow
Lynch syndrome among russian colorectal cancer patients with family history
N.I. Pospekhova - D.Sc. (Biol.), Head of Genetic Laboratory, State Scietific Centr of Coloproctology, Moscow
V.P. Shubin - Ph.D., senior researcher of Genetic Laboratory, State Scietific Centr of Coloproctology, Moscow
S.I. Achkasov - MD., Professor, Head of Oncology Department of colonsurgery, State Scietific Centr of Coloproctology, Moscow
V.N. Kashnikov - MD., deputy Director, State Scietific Centr of Coloproctology, Moscow
S.A. Frolov - MD, deputy Director, State Scietific Centr of Coloproctology, Moscow
A.S. Tsukanov - Ph.D. (Med.), Head of Genetic Department, State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, Moscow
Y.A. Shelygin - MD., Professor, Head of State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, Moscow
Analyzing features of software-hardware complex USRP for wireless communication systems research
F. B. Serkin - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Classification and generation of images with a hierarchically connected neural network
Diane Sekou Abdel Kader - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, HVE Department of Control Engineering, Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail:
Signal simulation of a walking intruder in radio-wave detectors with buried antennas
N. N. Tokarev - Ph.D. (Eng.)
Genetic and self-similar approaches for the fractal antennas designing
A. A. Potapov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Kotel'nikov's Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE) of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
Y. S. Shifrin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Ukraine), IEEE Life Fellow. E-mail:
R. R. Kuzeyev - Head of department of Information and Telecommunication Technologies, JSC «NPO «Radioelectronika» n.a. V. I. Shimko (Kazan). E-mail:
Influence of characteristics of noise generators, used in simulation, at quality of estimation of parameters of error-correcting codec
A. V. Bashkirov - Ph. D. (Eng.) of design and manufacture of radio, Voronezh State Technical University
A. I. Klimov - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of the chair of info communication systems and technologies of Voronezh Institute of the Interior of Russia
L. N. Korotkov - Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), professor of chair of physics of solid state, Voronezh State Technical University
Y. S. Naumenko - Post-graduate student department of design and manufacture of radio, Voronezh State Technical University
Problems of modeling error-correcting codec in heterogeneous systems
Yu.S. Naumenko - Post-graduate student, designing and manufacture of radio equipment chairs, Voronezh State Technical University
The modified Omega-KA algorithm for synthesis of improved accuracy SAR images in Spotlight mode and its ballistic support
S. G. Lichansky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «Vega». E-mail:
Interval genetic algorithm of global constrained optimization
V. N. Panovskiy - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
The Devyatkov law (on the 40th anniversary of the discovery of non-thermal bioeffects of millimeter radiation)
Yu.P. Chukova - Ph.D (Phys.-Math). Senior Research Scientist, Academician of the Russian People-s Academy of Science (RPAS), Head of Department «Public health and ecology safety» of RPAS, Director of the Krasnopresnenskiy Ecological Fund
Compact autonomous subnanosecond pulse generator for UWB systems
A.V. Afanasyev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI»
B.V. Ivanov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI». E-mail:
V.A. Ilyin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI». E-mail:
A.F. Kardo-Sysoev - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (St Petersburg). E-mail:
V.I. Tihomirov - Engineer, Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI». E-mail:
A.A. Smirnov - Engineer, Research Institute «Vector» (Saint Petersburg). E-mail:
Massively parallel computing in a heterogeneous system for modeling low-density codecs
Y.S. Naumenko - Post-graduate Student, Voronezh State Technical University
Limit power properties of pulse antennas feed system on the basis of generalization of the McLean theory for the non-harmonic signals
A. Yu. Odintsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI). E-mail:
M. I. Sugak - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (LETI). E-mail:
A method of network operator for robust control system synthesis of space satellite landing on the moon
A.I. Diveev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS. E-mail:
E.Y. Shmalko - Ph. D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Molecular genetic alterations in mucosa of gastric cancer patients after subtotal distal gastrectomy
N.V. Checunova - Post-graduate Student, Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty in I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University» of the Russian Ministry of Health
I.I. Bykov - Ph.D. (Med.), Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty in I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University» of the Russian Ministry of Health
T.V. Kchorobrich - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty in I.M.Sechenov First Medical State University» of the Russian Ministry of Health
M.V. Nemtsova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor of laboratory of human molecular genetics of Research Institute of Molecular Medicine in I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University» of the Russian Ministry of Health, Professor of the of the Department of Medical Genetics in Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Educations of the Russian Ministry of Health. E-mail:
Optimization of The Parameters of Spin-Generator With Laser Pumped Two-Level Model of Alkali Atoms
S.V. Ermak - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
R.V. Smolin - Post-graduate Student, JSC «Siemens». E-mail:
V.V. Semenov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
Endothelial dysfunction: associations with functional variants of clinically relevant genes
A.B. Chukhlovin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; Federal Almazov Medical Research Centre
N.D. Elshin - Post-graduate Student, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
N.A. Kuzubova - Post-graduate Student, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Areg A.Totolian - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Pasteur; Federal Almazov Medical Research Centre
Conceptual bases of informative medicine
A.E. Bessonov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Scientific Leader, Scientific center of informative medicine of «LIDO», Moscow
E.A. Kalmykova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Deputy General Director, Scientific center of informative medicine of «LIDO», Moscow
Equivalent temperature of nonlinear-optical crystal in process of laser frequency conversion
O.A. Ryabushkin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail:
A.V. Konyashkin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail:
A.I. Baranov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail:
O.I. Vershinin - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail:
Network signal transmission division traffic profiles
V.P. Koryachko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
O.V. Lukyanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
A.P. Shibanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Formation of generalized design methodologies based on process model
A.F. Pokhilko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
Multivariate statistical control charts for process dispersion
T.I. Svyatova - the post-graduate student of chair «Applied mathematics and computer science» Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
V.N. Klyachkin - Dr. Sci. (Eng.), professor of chair «Applied mathematics and computer science» Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
Perspectives of microwave X band generator module creation on the basis of selfheated magnetrons and resonant microwave compressors
N.I. Skripkin - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Pluton» (Moscow).
P.Yu. Chumerin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Yu.G. Yushkov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Main Research Scientist, Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Microwave generator module on the basis of X band magnetron and resonant microwave compressors
N.I. Skripkin - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Pluton» (Moscow).
P.Yu. Chumerin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Yu.G. Yushkov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Main Research Scientist, Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail:
V.A. Vaulin - Leading Engineer, Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail:
V.N. Slinko - Leading Engineer, Tomsk Polytechnic University
A.V. Peresypkin - Engineer, Tomsk Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Condition for parametric generation of high frequency field in crossed and time-depend electric and magnetic fields
V.B. Baiburin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department - Software for Computer and Automated systems?, Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. Director of JSC "Nanocenter". E-mail:
A.S. Rozov - Post-graduate Student, Department - Information Security of Automated systems?, Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. E-mail:
The digital generator of chaotic signals on the basis of shift registers
A.L. Khvalin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevskii. E-mail:
L.S. Sotov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevskii. E-mail:
A.V. Rossoshanskii - Director, Joined Institute of Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Saratov. E-mail:
Hardware-software complex for an estimation of information efficiency of digital networks of communication
A.M. Меzhuev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Transmitting and receiving radio-device, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
I.I. Pasechnikov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Tambov State University named after GR Derzhavin. E-mail:
A.V. Korennoi - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Communication facilities, Military Educational and Scientific Center «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
The possibility to use parasitic fluctuation to control the magnetron generation spectrum
A.V. Ermolaev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
O.A. Olennikova - Undergraduate, Department «Physics», Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
A.G. Shein - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Physics», Volgograd State Technical. University. E-mail:
I.V. Polyakov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department «Physics», Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
The accelerated cyclic phasing of cyclic codes
A.S. Nikolaev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Compute systems and networks», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail:
Research of signal generation features in perspective radio transmitters of long-wave radio navigation systems
L.A. Abramov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Expert, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time», St.-Petersburg. E-mail:
S.P. Zarubin - Head of Department, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time», St.-Petersburg. E-mail:
N.S. Khokhlov - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time», St.-Petersburg. E-mail:
Trace elements: the biological role and significance for medical practice. Communication 2. Iron
M.G. Skalnaya - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Orenburg State University; Center for Biotic Medicine (Moscow)
A.V. Skalny - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, General Director of UNESCO Institute of Trace Elements (Lyon, France); Institute of Bioelementology, Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia); Laboratory of Biotechnology and Applied Bioelementology, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Yaroslavl, Russia)
The vector differential magnetometer on YIG film with domain structure
O.V. Voronkov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Mytishchinsky SRI of Radio-Measuring Instruments E-mail: I.N. Kabanov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Mytishchinsky SRI of Radio-Measuring Instruments E-mail: V.P. Meschanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director NIKA-Microwave, Ltd (Saratov) E-mail: L.S. Sotov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky E-mail: A.L. Khvalin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky E-mail:
Developing a genetic algorithm for digital filters design to classify biomedical signals and testing the algorithm on known property signals
V.A. Belobrodsky Post-graduate Student, Medical Cybernetics Lab, Faculty of Computer Science, Voronezh State University S.D. Kurgalin Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Head of the Department of Digital Technologies, Faculty of Computer Science, Voronezh State University Ya.A. Turovsky Ph.D.(Med.), Associate Professor, Head of the Medical Cybernetics Lab, Faculty of Computer Science, Voronezh State University A.A. Vahtin Ph.D.( Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Programming and Information Technology Department, Faculty of Computer Science, Voronezh State University
Identification methods of biological objects metabolic fre-quencies in SHF and EHF ranges
I.V. Malyshev Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Radioengineering Electronics Department, Southern Federal University, Taganrog N.V. Parshina Post-graduate Student, Radioengineering Electronics Department, Southern Federal University
Characteristic properties of the formation of PZT based ferroelectric nano- and microstructures by femtosecond laser annealing
A.S. Elshin - Trainee researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: N.Yu. Firsova - Trainee researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: E.D. Mishina - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: O.M. Zhigalina - Тainee researcher, Shubnikiv Institut of crystallograhy Russian Academy of Sciences (ICRAS). E-mail: D.A. Abdullaev Trainee researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation D.A. Kiselev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), MISA National University of Science and Technology (Moscow)
Nonlinear-optical and electron microscopy of ferroelectric microstructures crystallized by femtosecond laser radiation
A.S. Elshin - Trainee Researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: N.Yu. Firsova - Trainee Researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: O.M. Zhigalina - Тainee Researcher, Shubnikiv Institut of crystallograhy Russian Academy of Sciences (ICRAS). E.D. Mishina - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail:
Neural network modeling of the stress-deformation behavior of viscoelastic media
Yu.A. Basistov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Mechanics RAS (Moscow). E-mail: Yu.G. Yanovsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of Applied Mechanics RAS (Moscow). E-mail:
Trace elements: the biological role and significance for medical practice. Com-munication 3. Manganese
M.G. Skalnaya - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Orenburg State University; Center for Biotic Medicine (Moscow) A.V. Skalny - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, General Director of UNESCO Institute of Trace Elements (Lyon, France); Institute of Bioelementology, Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia); Laboratory of Biotechnology and Applied Bioelementology, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Yaroslavl, Russia)
Modelling of radio signal attenuation dynamics in satellite channel of Ku frequency range with specified properties
A.A. Ilyukhin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Oryol. E-mail: A.V. Vdovin - The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation, Oryol. E-mail:
914-nm YVO4:Nd3+ microchip-laser with intracavity second harmonic generation
S.I. Derzhavin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory «Diode Lasers», «Advanced energy technologies» LTD; Head of Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: D.A. Mashkovsky - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: V.N. Timoshkin - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
Random current flow through the rough surface
L.K. Martinson - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of «Physics», Bauman Moscow State Technical University А.N. Morozov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department of «Physics», Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: А.V. Skripkin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of «Physics», Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
The true random number generator based on two-dimensional map with chaotic dynamics
O.V. Voronkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department. Mytishchinsky Scientific-Research Institute of Ra-dio-Measuring Instruments. E-mail: V.P. Meshchanov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Laureate of State Prize of Russian Federation in Science and Techniques, Laureate of Government of Russian Federation Prize in Science and Techniques, Honored Scientist of Russia Federation, Honored Worker of Science of Russian Federation, Director of NIKA-Microwave, Ltd. E-mail: L.S. Sotov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov State University named by N.G.Chernyshevsky. E-mail: A.L. Khvalin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Saratov State University named by N.G. Chernyshevsky. E-mail:
Permanent magnet synchronous motor at generator mode
A.A. Bogdanov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. E-mail:
Variation of genetic programming to synthesize motion control of mobile robot for spatial trajectories
A.I. Diveev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: S.I. Ibadulla - Post-graduate Student, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia. E-mail:
Impact of laser radiation on the process of disinfection of water and purification of spring waters in Kaluga
S.N. Nikulina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: U.M. Zhukova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: Y.N. Dykhno - student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: I.I. Kulikova - student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail: Y.A. Sanutina - student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU. E-mail:
Data channel opto-electronic devices with the release of frame realtime
V.P. Koryachko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Scientist of RF, Head of Department, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: A.P. Shibanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: O.V. Lukyanov - Post-graduate Student, Head, Rocket and Space Center TsSKB  Progress  Special Design Bureau Spectrum. E-mail:
The effectiveness of the low-energy protection of random antennas
Yu. V. Alyshev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Doctoral Candidate of Department of Radio Communication Theory, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). E-mail: O. N. Maslov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). E-mail: A. S. Rakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Doctoral Candidate of Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). E-mail: R. A. Khuako - Engineer, Department of Economic and Information Systems, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)
The role of fine-needle aspiration under control of transesophageal endosonography regarding patients with inoperable lung cancer in planning forthcoming chemotherapy
М.S. Burdyukov - Ph.D. (Med.) Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow). E-mail: I.N. Yurichev - An endoscopist, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) A.M. Nechipay - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Endoscopy Chair, Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (Moscow) D.I. Yudin - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) O.V. Chistyakova - Ph.D. (Med.), Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) K.K. Lactionov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Clinical Biotechnology, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) B.I. Dolgushin - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of X-ray Department, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) D.T. Marinov - Researcher, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow) G.V. Ungiadzhe - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Head of Endoscopy Department, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin (Mosсow)
The concept of hypercomplex neuro-analysis of bioinformatics data and biomechanics
I.V. Stepanian - Ph.D. (Eng.), Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS. E-mail: O Han Do - Ph.D (Med.), Chief of Holding «» (Seoul, Republic of Korea). E-mail: V.I. Svirin - Research Scientist, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS (Moscow). E-mail: K.V. Pleshakov - Post-graduate Student, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS (Moscow). E-mail: A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» (Moscow). E-mail:
Transformation of the scattering matrix when shifting the antenna system
I. P. Kovalyov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Department of Theory of Circuits and Telecommunications, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail: N. I. Kuzikova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail:
Algorithm of exponentially weighted moving averages control chart for multivariate statistical control of process dispersion
T.I. Svyatova - Post-graduate Student, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Tech-nical University. E-mail: V.N. Klyachkin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
914-nm YVO4:Nd3+ microchip-laser with intracavity second harmonic generation
S.I. Derzhavin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory «Diode Lasers», «Advanced energy technologies» LTD; Head of Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: D.A. Mashkovsky - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: V.N. Timoshkin - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences E-mail:
Selecting the mathematical framework that can describe the multilevel and multifunctional system (a vessel)
T.G. Artyushina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov. E-mail:
Domain nanotechnology in single crystals of lithium niobate and lithium tantalate family
V.Ya. Shur - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Ural Federal University. E-mail:
Estimating the efficiency at parametric generation in crossed fields
V.B. Baiburin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Information security of automated systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail: A.A. Terentiev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Information security of automated systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail: A.S. Rozov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Information security of automated systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail:
High-frequency miniature generator based on high-overtone bulk-acoustic resonator
A.P. Zagorodnov - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control RAS (Saratov) A.N. Yakunin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Department, Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control RAS (Saratov). E-mail:
New method of orthogonal stochastic wideband signals generation
M.N. Chesnokov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: A.A. Litvinov - Engineer, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: A.A. Soloviev - Engineer, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg). E-mail:
Synthesis and analysis of stochastic signal detection algorithms in the multielement antenna array systems
S. V. Petrov - Post-graduate Student, Leading Engineer, OAO "VNIIRT". E-mail:
A hybrid antenna array diagnostics method based on sparse measurements in near-field
G.Yu. Kuznetsov - Post-graduate Student, Department 406, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail: V.S. Temchenko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department 406, Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). E-mail:
Compact version of atomic clock based on radio optical end state resonance
S.V. Ermak - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department КЭ, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: E.A. Sagitov - Bachelor, Department КЭ, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: R.V. Smolin - Post-graduate Student, Department КЭ, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: M.I. Fedorov - Bachelor, Department КЭ, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: V.V. Semenov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department КЭ, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Development of methods of electroacoustic analogy for analysis of acoustic systems NPP with single-phase and two-phase coolant
K.N. Proskuryakov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of nuclear power stations , «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail:
Automation documenting the functionality of the information system using the method of adaptive clustering
G.N. Tsiperman - Counsellor of Director, «VOSKHOD» (Moscow). E-mail:
The technique of test program generation in the form of automata network for testing the mixed-signal integrated circuits
S.G. Mosin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail:
Channel streaming data optoelectronic devices polygon measuring complex
V.P. Koryachko - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Honored Scientist of RF. E-mail: A.P. Shibanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: O.V. Lukyanov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University; Head of Department, OKB «Spektr» (Ryazan). E-mail:
System engineering in the context of national science and technology
S.A. Narushay - Applicant of Science Degree, MSTU (Moscow). E-mail:
System engineering in the context of neurocomputing
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», Scientific coordinator of the permanent seminar «Neyrophylosophy» of the Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow). E-mail:
Generalized geometrical factor in radionavigation systems with pseudosatellites
A.I. Perov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Radio System Department, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail: A.Yu. Ustinov - Post-graduate Student, Radio System Department, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail:
Method of constructive synthesis of planar transmitting active phased array antenna on basis of the neural network approach
A. A. Bezuglov - Head of group, Federal Research and Production Centre «Rostov-on-Don Research Radiocommunication Institute». E-mail: S. E. Mishchenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Federal Research and Production Centre «Rostov-on-Don Re-search Radiocommunication Institute». E-mail: V. V. Shatsky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Federal Research and Production Centre «Rostov-on-Don Research Radiocommunication Institute». E-mail:
Fields calculation of phased antenna arrays with multilayered covers
V. A. Obukhovets - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Southern Federal University. E-mail:
Calculation and analysis of the base unit of the device of suppression of higher-type waves in a shielded microstrip line
V. K. Maystrenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail:
Filter-generator based excitation circuit of the solid-state wave gyroscope
Ye.A. Chumankin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Chief of the division of «ANPP «TEMP-AVIA» (Arzamas) B.S. Lunin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Researcher, Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University (MSU) named after M.V. Lomonosov M.A. Basarab - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of «Information Security», Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU) V.A. Matveev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems, Head of the Department of «Information security», Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Bauman MSTU)
The inverse operational problem for the frequency-impedance model of the nonuniform acoustic medium: numerical and experimental implementations
B.K. Temyanov - Assistant, Department of «Radioelectronics and Quantum Devices», Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail: Yu.K. Evdokimov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of «Radioelectronics and Quantum Devices» Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail:
Analysys of interference insusceptibility of non-coherent PM demodulation method under fading
O.A. Nokhrin, S.V. Ivkov, V.V. Pechurin
Human HGF and uPA gene combination to treat experimental liver fibrosis
M.N. Evseeva - Post-graduate Student, Department of Biological and Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:, Y.P. Rubtsov - Ph.D. (Chem.), Assosiate Professor, Department of Biological and Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Generator with electronic control of ultra short pulse width
A.M. Bobreshov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Dean of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: A.S. Zhabin - Assistant, Department of Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: V.A. Stepkin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: G.K. Uskov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: Le Quang Tuc - Post-graduate Student, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail:
Stochastic identification of satellite navigation parameters based on intersatellite measurements
А.S. Mit-kin - Head of Department, Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-on-Don) V.А. Pogorelov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: S.V. Sokolov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-on-Don) P.А. Kucherenko - Post-graduate Student, Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail:
Synthesis and analysis of the estimation algorithm of the number of stochastic signals in the multi-element antenna array systems
S. V. Petrov - Post-graduate Student, Leading Engineer, OAO "VNIIRT". E-mail:
Development of advanced airborne radars: potentials and limitations
V.S. Verba - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, general director - general designer, JSC «Corporation «Vega»
Efficiency of radio-signal with unknown parameters detection
A.P. Trifonov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Honored Scientist of RF, Professor, Head of Department of Radiophysics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: E.V. Litvinov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Assistant, Department of Radiophysics, Voronezh State University. E-mail:
Analysis of subnanosecond pulse generator based on step recovery diode
A.M. Bobreshov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Dean of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: A.S. Zhabin - Assistant, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: V.A. Stepkin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail: G.K. Uskov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University. E-mail:
On the problem of optimal typization UAVs generalized method of dynamic condensations
Nguyen Quang Thuong - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Lecturer, State University of Management (Moscow). E-mail: Nguyen Than Long - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). E-mail:
Application of the interval optimizaiton methods to the group navigation problem
V.N. Panovskiy - Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: A.V. Panteleev - Supervisor, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department 805, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Evaluation of the generalized indicator of technical level robot-assisted surgical systems
G.E. Roytberg - Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, President JSC «Medicina» (Moscow). E-mail: J.V. Dorosh - Ph.Dr.(Med.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Medical Service JSC «Medicina» (Moscow). E-mail: A.V. Shakurov - Head of Department 3.1, Power Engineering Research Institute, Bauman Moscow State technical University. E-mail: A.V. Pushkarev - Engineer of 1st category, Department of Medical Equipment RMAPO, Assistant, Department «E4», Bauman Moscow State technical University. E-mail: A.I. Verkhovny - Student, Department «E4», Bauman Moscow State technical University; Engineer, Power Engineering Research Institute, Bauman Moscow State technical University. E-mail:
Genetic projection operators in robotic systems
I.V. Stepanian - Ph.D. (Eng.), Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS; Leading Research Scientist, Moscow State Сonservatory named by P.I. Chaikovsky. E-mail: V.I. Svirin - Junior Research Scientist, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Leading Research Scientist (Moscow). E-mail:
Recurrent miscarriage from the standpoint of general biological principles of disease formation
O.N. Ivanitskaya - Ph.D. (Med.), Sonographer, Medical-Genetics Department, Moscow regions Research In-stitute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. E-mail: E.M. Demidova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Obstetrician, LLC «Klinika na Petrovke», Moscow, Russia. E-mail: M.B. Demidov - Student, Medical Institute Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: L.A. Nikitina - Ph.D. (Med.), Research Scientist, Institute of Cell biology, Histology and Embryology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria. E-mail: L.M. Samokhodskaya - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Gene and Cell Technologies, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. E-mail:
The genetic learning algorithm of fuzzy inference system
M.I. Zernov - Dr.Sc. (Mil.), Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» in Smolensk. E-mail: V.I. Sak-Sakovsky - Dr.Sc. (Mil.), Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» in Smolensk. E-mail: A.V. Senkov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» in Smolensk. E-mail: D.S. Bukachev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Smolensk State University.
Method of musical hearing improvement of children with technology of bioinformatic and fractal organized pentagram frets system
I.V. Stepanian - Ph.D. (Eng.), Doctor of Biological sciences, Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Leading Research Scientist, Moscow State Сonservatory named by P.I. Chaikovsky, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», Scientific Coordinator of the Permanent Seminar «Neyrophylosophy» of the Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Electrodynamic properties own wave parameter rectangular cavity with three-layer dielectric filling
D.A. Barinov - Deputy General Director JSC «SIC Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov) E.I. Beloborodova - Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov V.A. Kolomeitsev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov N.V. Stepanov - Student, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Фазированные антенные решетки сверхбольшой мощности
V.D. Selemir - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leader Deputy in FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» - Director of Science and Technical Center, awarded by the Prize of the Government of the RF V.V. Voronin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» N.N. Stepanov - Head of Department, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF», Honored Worker of Atomic Power Engineering Industry A.V. Gutov - Рost-graduate, Military Academy named afterf Peter the Great
Method of calculation of the microwave oscillator in the space of S-parameters
S.V. Savelkaev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. E-mail: V.А. Litovchenko - Head of Educational Laboratory, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School. E-mail:
Modern approaches to improve the quality of images from the multi-element Earth Observation Systems
N.A. Egoshkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: V.V. Eremeev - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Director of Research Institute of aerospace image processing, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Control and management of the technical condition of large aperture AESA based on data from the built-in monitoring and life cycle management of the radar station
S.F. Boev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Dr.Sc. (Econ.), JSC «Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute» (Moscow) A.P. Linkevichius - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, JSC «Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute» (Moscow)
Study of the association of polymorphic variants of cytokine genes with the development of arteriovenous malformations
S.A. Erkinova - Student-specialist, Medical Department, Novosibirsk State University E-mail: V.S. Kiselyov - Ph.D. (Med.), Neurosurgeon, Federal Neurosurgical Center, Novosibirsk E-mail: N.V. Strelnikov - Neurosurgeon, Center Angioneurology and Neurosurgery named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin, Novosibirsk E-mail: K.Yu. Orlov - Ph.D. (Med.), Neurosurgeon, Head of the Neurosurgery Center, Center Angioneurology and Neurosurgery named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin, Novosibirsk E-mail: A.V. Dubovoy - Manager of the Department, Neurosurgeon with the Highest Degree, Federal Neurosurgical Center, Novosibirsk E-mail: E.N. Voronina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia E-mail: M.L. Filipenko - Ph.D. (Biol.), Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk E-mail:
Algorithm of adaptive control in the automated system high frequency radio communication
A.M. Mezhuev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Communication facilities, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: A.N. Roza - Post-graduate Student, Department of Transmitting and receiving radio-device, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: E.V. Konovalchuk - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Faculty of Air Communications Facilities, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:
Planning of network channels bandwidth in polygon measuring complex
V.P. Koryachko - Honored Scientist of RF, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: A.P. Shibanov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: A.N. Saprikin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: X.L. Fam - Post-graduate Student, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail:
Development of the system of management and control the generator of high voltage impulses with the inductive store of energy and thyratron as the gas-discharge breaker of current
N.M. Vereschagin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Dean Faculty of Electronics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: S.A. Kruglov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: A.A. Serezhin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: S.G. Shatilov - Engineer, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: D.S. Kislov - Undergraduate, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University K.D. Agaltsov - Undergraduate, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail:
Using the JSM-method for solving the problem of extending the definition of the base of the facts in the assessment of complex organizational-technical systems
A.E. Zernyshkin - Post-graduate Student, Scientific Research Centre (Kursk); 18 Central Research Institute of the Military Defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow) A.S. Sizov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Southwest State University (Kursk)
Combination of gene and cell therapy increases therapeutic anguiogenesis efficacy
M.A. Boldireva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Laboratory of Angiogenesis, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: E.S. Zubkova - Junior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Angiogenesis, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: I.B. Beloglasova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, Laboratory of Angiogenesis, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: E.I. Ratner - Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Angiogenesis, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: O.Yu. Sukhareva - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Diabetes, Endocrinology Research Center Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: Zh.A. Akopian - Ph.D. (Med.), Deputy Dean, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia E-mail: M.V. Shestakova - Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sc. (Med.), Director, Institute of Diabetes, Endocrinology Research Center, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: Ye.V. Parfyonova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Director, Laboratory of Angiogenesis, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail:
Shock pulse of wideband passive elements by ultra-short pulses
A.M. Bobreshov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Electronics, Dean of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail: S.E. Neskorodov - Post-graduate Student, Voronezh State University E-mail: G.K. Uskov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail:
Study of SAW-devices for radio communication equipment
I.V. Nikonov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Omsk State Technical University E-mail: G.S. Nikonova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC «Omsk Research Institute of Instrument» E-mail:
Study cyclic redundant code CRC
A.M. Golikov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics E-mail:
New circuit engineering circuit engineering solutions for generator of nano- and microsecond pulses
O.E. Glukhova - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department «Radiotechnique and Electrodynamics», Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky V.G. Andrianov - Head of Educational Laboratory, Department «Radiotechnique and Electrodynamics», Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky D.M. Kolosov - Master Student, Department «Radiotechnique and Electrodynamics», Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky M.M. Slepchenkov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department «Radiotechnique and Electrodynamics», Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky E-mail:
Three-millimeter wavelength range magnetrons with the possibility of tuning and stabilization of frequency
I.M. Ivanov - Leading Engineer, JSC «Pluton», Moscow E-mail: N.I. Scripkin - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Pluton», Moscow E-mail: A.V. Shmelev - Leading Engineer, JSC «Pluton», Moscow E-mail:
Electrodynamic selective filters condensed matter
V.V. Leonov - Ph. D. (Biol.), Head of the Department of electrochemical research laboratory «Physical-chemical mechanics», Institute of Mechanics Ufa Scientific Center of RAS E-mail: O.A. Denisova - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department «Management and service in technical systems», Ufa State Petroleum Technological University E-mail:
Predistortion technique for ultrashort radiated pulses superposition based on determination of impulse response
A.M. Bobreshov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Electronics, Dean of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail: A.A. Leschinskiy - Post-graduate Student, Voronezh State University E-mail: G.K. Uskov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail:
Role of genetic disturbances in systemic lupus erythematosus
L.V. Ivanitskiy - Reumatologist, Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F.Vladimirskiy E-mail: E.V. Smirnova - Post-graduate Student, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: T.N. Krasnova - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: L.M. Samokhodskaya - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Medical Scientific Educational Centre of Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail:
Bioinformatics: Towards a new Сulture of Science and Art
Ivan Viktorovich Stepanian - Ph.D. (Eng.), Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of biomechanics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Leading Research Scientist, - Center for Interdisciplinary Researches of Musical Creativ-ity?, Moscow State Сonservatory named by P.I. Chaikovsky (Moscow) E-mail: Benjamin Skepper - Internationally Acclaimed Multi Media Artist, Classically Trained Musician, Composer and Researcher, Moscow State Conservatory named by P.I. Chaikovsky - Center for Interdisciplinary Researches of Musical Creativity?, Yamaha Artist, 1-15-10 DAC Building 2F, Shinkiba, Koto-ku Tokyo, 136-0082 (Japan, Australia) E-mail:
Thin films of lanthanum-strontium magnet for generating spin current
T.A. Shayhulov - Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Engineer, Kotelnikiv IRE RAS E-mail: V.A. Shahunov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist, Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Moscow) V.V. Demidov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Moscow) G.A. Ovsyannikov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory, Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Moscow)
Probability of children with turner syndrome is increased in case of male infertility
J.J. Kiseleva - Embryologist, Academician V.I. Kulakov Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation (Moscow); Post-graduate Student, Department of Biology and General Genetics, Institute of Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow Е-mail: M.M. Azova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Biology and General Genetics, Institute of Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow E-mail: A.O. Kirillova - Embryologist, Academician V.I. Kulakov Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation (Moscow) Е-mail: E.M. Zheludova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Biology and General Genetics, Institute of Medicine, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow E-mail:
Automatic question generation based on texts and knowledge graphs

M.A. Belyanova1, G.I. Revunkov2, G.I. Afanasyev3, Yu.E. Gapanyuk4

1-4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

1; 2; 3; 4

Method for determining the coordinates of the phase center of an active phased array antenna

Alexey V. Litvinov¹, Sergey E. Mishchenko², Andrey S. Pomysov³, Vitaly V. Shatsky4

1-4 Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communication»

Federal Research-and-Production Center (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Techniques for investigating the electromagnetic sensitivity of biological systems

K.D. Kazarinov – Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist,  Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS, 

Fryazino Branch (FIRE RAS) (Fryazino, Moscow region)


Optimization of effort estimation assessment in software development based on the COCOMO model and its extensions

V.A. Galkin Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,

Information Processing and Control Systems Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


I.S. Biushkin Master,

Information Processing and Control Systems Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Improving the efficiency of education in a technical university

T.A. Onufrieva – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

«Information Systems and Networks» Department, Kaluga Branch of the Bauman MSTU


A.S. Sukhova – Student, 

«Information Systems and Networks» Department, Kaluga Branch of the Bauman MSTU


Air breakdown energy in a superficial antenna

A.A. Volkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer, 
Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy n.a. professor N.E. Zhukovsky  and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail:

The elaboration of modelling approach to a new generation manufacturing and distributive systems

E.N. Gorlacheva – Ph.D. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Using the reflections method in the wedge diffraction theory

V.V. Akhiyarov

IRE of RAS; JSC «SPC «SRI of Long-Distance Radio Communications» (Moscow, Russia)

Estimation of efficiency of the network information systems on the basis of the generalized index

A.M. Mezhuev, A.V. Korennoi     

MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)

Prospects for the implementation of neural network technologies in radar information processing systems

E.V. Egorova¹, A.N. Rybakov², M.H. Aksyaitov³

1 MIREA – Moscow Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

2 FSUE «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Automation n. a. N.L. Dukhov» (Moscow, Russia)

3 JSC «Concern «Granit-Electron» (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

Parametrical synthesis of the mixed two-port networks in a feedback chain by criterion of maintenance of a stationary mode of generation

A.A. Golovkov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Aviation Systems and Radio Navigation and Radio Communication Systems Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

V.A. Golovkov – Design Engineer, 

Design Bureau of Antenna-feeder Devices (Voronezh)


Magnetron-type frequency multiplier based on parametric generation in crossed fields

V.B. Baiburin¹, A.S. Rozov², N.Yu. Khorovodova³, S.L. Chernyshev4

1−3 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)

2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Method of processing information echo signals in multiband radar systems

G.G. Schukin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)


I.A. Gotyur – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)


Yu.D. Ovchinnikov – Engineer, 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)


E.A. Korovin – Ph.D.(Eng.), 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)


I.V. Laptev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics E-mail:

Experimental study of a double-circuit optoelectronic generator of radio-frequency signals

V. A. Grachev, S. A. Kapustin, T. V. Kozhevnikova, D. G. Kulyaba, N. A. Novoselova, M. S. Olkhova, D. M. Shustov

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Genetic predisposition in the formation of the risk of thromboembolism in cancer patients

M.L. Filipenko –

Ph.D. (Biol.), Head of Pharmacogenomics Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine,

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)


O.V. Somonova –

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry

of Health of Russia (Moscow)

A.L. Elizarova –

Ph.D. (Biol.), N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health

of Russia (Moscow)

N.E. Kushlinskii –

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician RAS, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry N.N. Blokhin

National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow)

Synthesis of gene chymosin in vitro

A.V. Solovyev –

Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, 

Research Center of Fundamental and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology; 

Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, E-mail:

E.I. Antonova

Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Director of the Research Center  of Fundamental and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University E-mail:

A.V. Khambikova

Junior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Research Center of Fundamental  and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University E-mail:

R.M. Khuzina

Junior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Research Center of Fundamental  and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University E-mail:

The point free Colombeau geometry in singular general relativity

Ja. Foukzon¹, A.A. Potapov², E.R. Men'kova³

1 Center for Mathematical Sciences, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)

2 V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow, Russia);

3 All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (Moscow, Russian)


V.I. Sholomova – Respiratory Therapist, Assistant Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 

Faculty of Base Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical 

University, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Department of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Pulmonology; 3rd University Clinic, Department of Pulmonology and Occupational Diseases E-mail:

L.M. Samokhodskaya – Ph.D. (Med.); Associate Professor; Head of Department; Lomonosov Moscow State

University, Medical Research and Educational Center (Lomonosov University Clinic)

А.V. Balatskij – Ph.D. (Med.); Senior Research Scientst, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Medical 

Research and Educational Center (Lomonosov University Clinic); Department of Laboratory Diagnostics

M.Yu. Brovko – Ph.D. (Med.), Head of Department; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 

3rd University Clinic, Department of Pulmonology and Occupational Diseases

T.N. Krasnova – Ph.D. (Med.); Associate Professor; Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Base Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Faculty  of Preventive Medicine, Department of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Pulmonology

E.А.Saginova – Ph.D. (Med.); Assistant Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Base 

Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine

M.Yu. Shvetsov – Ph.D. (Med.); Associate Professor; Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Base Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Faculty  of Preventive Medicine, Department of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Pulmonology

N.А. Mukhin – Academician of the RAS, Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Department of Internal Medicine;

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Base Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State  Medical University, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Head of Department of Internal, Occupational  Diseases and Pulmonology

Enlarged functional and information models of the information extraction tool complex with built in privacy elements and integration of extracted data

V.I. Budzko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Deputy Director, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow);

Member of Russian Cryptography Academy;


National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)


V.I. Korolev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow); 


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


V.G. Belenkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

Laser generation on weak modes in graphene structure with asymmetric unit cell

K.V. Mashinsky1, V.V. Popov2, D.V. Fateev3

1−3 Kotelnikov IRE of RAS, Saratov Branch (Saratov, Russia)

Approximation and the point of flicker-noise formation

A.S. Matsaev

LLC «IKS» (Moscow, Russia)

Neurocomputer analysis of insertion/deletion polymorphism in the gene for angiotensin converting enzyme and anxiety in students

A.Е. Talipova – Post-graduate Student, Department of Anthropology, 

Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University 


N.A. Ryabchikova – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, 

Department of The Higher nervous activity, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology 


V.А. Spitsyn – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, 

Research Centre for Medical Genetics (Moscow) 


Comparative analysis of the equipment for the formation of navigation radio signals of the GLONASS system and features of group navigation radio signals

D.A. Astakhov, R.V. Bakit’ko, A.A. Potrikeyeva, R.F. Salakhov

Russian Space Systems JSC (Moscow, Russia)

A new approach to the development of perspective compact frequency multipliers of the subterahertz and terahertz bands for on-board electronic equipment

V.B. Baiburin, A.S. Rozov, N.Yu. Khorovodova, A.S. Ershov, A.A. Nikiforov

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)

Chaos generator with high energy potential

S.V. Savel’ev, L.A. Morozova

Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Fryazino, Russia)

Comlexed RF-module with synchronized generators M-type

N.I. Skripkin1, A.V. Shmelev2, A.I. Pronikov3, I.M. Ivanov4

1-4 JSC «Pluton» (Moscow, Russia)

Application of genetic algorithm for determining the locations of reference points of local navigation system and minimizing their number

N.I. Petukhov1, D.V. Tsaregorodtsev2, R.S. Kulikov3, A.P. Malyshev4

1−4 National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow, Russia)

Space-time processing for «range – azimuth – elevation» measurements in non-cooperative systems of radars with phased array antennas

V.V. Chapursky1, A.A. Filatov2, D.E. Koroteev3

1–3  NII RET Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Analysis the influence of reflections from the Earth's surface in a system of spaced radars with phased array antennas

V.V. Chapurskiy1, G.P. Slukin2, M.I. Noniashvili3, I.V. Kryuchkov4

1−4 NIIRET, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Application of distributed power generation to reduce the load on power supply systems of radio stations during peak periods

B.A. Kosarev1, S.V. Krivaltsevich2

1,2 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics) (Omsk, Russia)

Data processing using deep learning of the generative-adversarial neural network (GAN)

V.Y. Ilichev1, I.V. Chukhraev2

1, 2 Kaluga Branch of the Bauman MSTU (Kaluga, Russia)

Detection and super resolution of small space objects based on frequency-phase-modulated signals

M.S. Vorona1, A.A. Gusarov2, A.Y. Onufrey3

1-3 Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Polynomial approximation of nonlinear elements in solving the problem of ACS synthesis

V.F. Shishlakov1, N.V. Reshetnikova2, E.Yu. Vataeva3, D.V. Shishlakov4

1–4 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Synthesis of non-stationary continuous nonlinear control systems by the generalized Galerkin method

V.F. Shishlakov1, N.V. Reshetnikova2, E.Yu. Vataeva3, D.V. Shishlakov4

1–4 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)

An X-ray tube with extremely-high frequency intensity modulation

V. N. Vyuginov1, A. D. Grigoriev2

1,2 Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

Implementation of devices for microwave signal generating and converting by the radiophotonics methods

V. V. Biryukov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


V. A. Grachev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication,

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev

S. G. Lobin – Undergraduate, Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev

M. A. Palachev – Undergraduate, Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev

A. S. Raevskij – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev

Research of the monopulse direction finding amplitude-phase method of the radio-frequency source

A.V. Klishin – Junior Research Scientist, Military Academy of Signals named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny  (St. Petesburg)


M.V. Klestova – Post-graduate Student, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


D.V. Tsarik – Research Scientist, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg) E-mail:

Optimization of commissioning works of the early warning radar stations functional-block structure on the basis of the logical-probabilistic reliability model and the current monitoring data

А.А. Rakhmanov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of STC, Deputy General Designer, Group of Companies «RTI» (Moscow) E-mail:

S.V. Yakubovsky – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, Central Science Institute of Aerospace Defense



А.S. Logovsky – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Director of STC – Chief Designer, OJSC Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute (RTI) E-mail:

А.М. Kazantsev – Project Manager, Group of Companies «RTI» (Moscow) E-mail:

Avionics of multifunction Sukhoi Su–35 Fighter

Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.) 

(Nizhnii Novgorod)

E.M. Dobychina – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Fifth generation fighter avionics Su-57

Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.) 

(Nizhnii Novgorod)

E.M. Dobychina – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Comparative features of wave focusing by generalized Mikaelian lens with positive and negative refractive indexes

M.M. Kushneryov1, S.P. Skobelev2

1,2 PJSC Radiofizika (Moscow, Russia)

1,2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)

1 1; 2

Universalization of development radio electronic equipment control part

А.А. Komarov – Design Engineer,

JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)


А.V. Arkhipov – Design Engineer,

JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)


А.Е. Gordeev – Design Engineer,

JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)


Т.V. Krasnov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Design Engineer,

JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)


P.V. Shtro – Design Engineer,

JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk)


Ranging code generation module for global and regional navigation satellite systems

О.К. Mikhaylova – Student,

Navigation Systems Laboratory, National Research University «MPEI»


I.V. Korogodin – Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

Navigation Systems Laboratory, National Research University «MPEI»

I.V. Lipa – Senior Research Scientist,

Navigation Systems Laboratory, National Research University «MPEI»

Genetic predisposition in the formation of the risk of thromboembolism in cancer patients

M.L. Filipenko – 

Ph.D. (Biol.), Head of Pharmacogenomics Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine,

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)


O.V. Somonova – 

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow)

A.L. Elizarova – 

Ph.D. (Biol.), N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow)

N.E. Kushlinskii – 

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Academician RAS, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry N.N. Blokhin 

National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow)

Synthesis of gene chymosin in vitro

A.V. Solovyev –

Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, 

Research Center of Fundamental and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology; 

Associate Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, E-mail:

E.I. Antonova

Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Director of the Research Center  of Fundamental and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University E-mail:

A.V. Khambikova

Junior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Research Center of Fundamental  and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University E-mail:

R.M. Khuzina

Junior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Research Center of Fundamental  and Applied Problems of Bioecology and Biotechnology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University E-mail:

Fifth generation fighter avionics Sukhoi Su–57. Part 2

Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,

(Nizhnii Novgorod)


E.M. Dobychina – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Method of structural-parametric synthesis of software for multifunction flight simulators

L.Е. Mistrov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor,

Air Force Research Center «VVA», Central Branch of the Russian State Unitary Enterprise (Voronezh) E-mail: 

А.V. Mishin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department,

Central Branch of the Russian State Unitary Enterprise (Voronezh)

Е.М. Shepovalov – Flight Simulator Head,

Air Force Research Center «VVA» (Voronezh)


Avionics of multifunction aviation complex Mikoyan MiG–35. Part 1

Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,

(Nizhnii Novgorod)


E.M. Dobychina – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Avionics of multifunction aviation complex Mikoyan MiG–35. Part 2

Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,

(Nizhnii Novgorod)


E.M. Dobychina – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


Principles of aircraft height precision measurement in a non-cooperative system of spaced radars with phased array antennas

V.Yu. Loskutov¹, S.A. Rastvorov², M.V. Rodin³, V.V. Chapurskiy

¹²³⁴Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Synthesis of nonlinear systems under the influence of limited perturbations using multi-mode control laws based on the maximum condition of the function generalized power

A.A. Kostoglotov1, A.A. Agapov2, Z.V. Lyaschenko3, S.V. Lazarenko4

1 - 4 Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Space Charge Influence to parametric generation in crossed fields

V.B. Baiburin – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department «Information security of automated systems»,

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.S. Rozov – Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Assistant, Department «Information security of automated systems», 

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


V.P. Meschanov – State Prize of Russia Laureate (in the field of science and technique), Honored Scientist of RF,

Honored Inventor of RF, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of NIKA-Microwave, Ltd (Saratov) E-mail:

Reception «in general» OFDM-signals in a Doppler channel with memory

V.G. Kartashevsky – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Multiservices Networks and Information Security, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara) E-mail:

K.A. Belsky – Post-graduate Student, Department of Multiservices Networks and Information Security, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara)


E.S. Semenov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Telecommunication Systems, Volgograd State University


Ultrashort pulses generator based on two serial connected step recovery diodes

A.M. Bobreshov – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department of Electronics, Dean of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University


A.S. Zhabin – Assistant, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University


A.D. Ryazantsev – Student, Department of Electronics of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail:

V.A. Stepkin – Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University E-mail:

G.K. Uskov – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University E-mail:

Development of a mock-up of an automated hardware and software complex for tumor ablation

V.N. Makarov1, N.A. Boos2, M.A. Makhov3, K.O. Kuchin4

1,2 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

1,3,4 Firm “Technosvet” LLC (Moscow, Russia)

Analysis, development, applications of a generator of high-frequency signals of arbitrary shape

S.А. Skachkov1, I.E. Alexanyan2, I.L. Zhbanov3, V.A. Krasnikova4, O.V. Platonova5, Yu.S. Asadova6

1–3 Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal
of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (Smolensk, Russia)

4–6 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

Analysis the influence of reflections from the Earth's surface in a system of spaced radars with phased array antennas

V.V. Chapurskiy1, G.P. Slukin2, M.I. Noniashvili3, I.V. Kryuchkov4

1-4 NIIRET, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of stochastic search algorithms global extremum

A.F. Ulasen’1, I.L. Zhbanov2, A.V. Klyuev3, E.G. Andrianova4, S.G. Daeva5, N.S. Nikolaeva6

1–3 Army Air Defense Military Academy (Smolensk, Russia)
 4,5 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
 6 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

The point free Colombeau geometry in singular general relativity. Part II

Ja. Foukzon1, A.A. Potapov2, E.R. Men'kova3

1 Center for Mathematical Sciences, Israel Institute of Technology (Haifa, Israel)

2 V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow, Russia);

2 Joint Chinese-Russian Laboratory of Informational Technologies and Signals Fractal Processing,
Jinan University (Guangzhou, China)

3 All-Russian Research Institute for Optical and Physical Measurements (Moscow, Russian)

Synthesis of algorithms of non-linear adaptive signal processing for tracking meters using blocks of non-linear transformation with approximation of optimal amplitude characteristics

V.M. Artyushenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Information Technology and Management Systems, Technological University (Korolyov, Moscow region)


V.I. Volovach – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Information and Electronic Service,  Volga Region State University of Service (Togliatti)


Synthesis and statistical analysis of discriminators in tracking meters under the influence of additive correlated non-Gaussian noise

V.M. Artyushenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Information Technology and Management Systems, Technological University (Korolyov, Moscow region)


V.I. Volovach – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Information and Electronic Service, Volga Region State University of Service (Togliatti)


Ultra-short pulse generator with long charge accumulation and shaper based on step recovery diode

A.M. Bobreshov – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department of Electronics, Dean of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University


A.S. Zhabin – Assistant, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University


A.D. Ryazantsev – Student, Department of Electronics of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail:

V.A. Stepkin – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University E-mail:

G.K. Uskov – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University E-mail:

Parametric generation in crossed fields at small magnitude of magnetic fields ​​​​​​​

V.B. Baiburin – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Department «Information security of automated systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.S. Rozov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Assistant, Department «Information security of automated systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


S.L. Chernyshev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Radio Electronic Systems and Devices», Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Phased array antennas based on subarrays in the problem of low-altitude targets observation

I.V. Kryuchkov – Head of Department, SRI of Radioelectronic Technics of Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: kryuchkov

M.I. Noniashvili – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department RL-1, Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail: min-st-1986

G.P. Slukin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 

Director of SRI of Radioelectronic Technics of Bauman Moscow State Technical University


V.V. Chapursky – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Main Research Scientist, 

SRI of Radioelectronic Technics of Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:

Development of advanced airborne radars: potentials and limitations

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

General Product Engineer – First Deputy General Director of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


Personnel capacity development problems of the enterprises of the radio-electronic industry

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

General Product Engineer – First Deputy General Director of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow) E-mail:,

The method of detailing a radar image based on a genetic algorithm

S.E. Mishchenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, Leading Research Scientist, 


V.V. Shatsky – Honored Inventor of RF, Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Bureau,  FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC

L.V. Vinnik – Part-programming Engineer, 


A.V. Litvinov – Head of Sector, 


A.S. Pomysov – Head of Team, 


Using of the least squares method in development of radio engineering systems and their function algorithms

D.D. Gabrielyan – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy Head on Science of STC,  FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC

N.Yu. Vorobev – Head of Department, 


A.N. Gorbachev – Leading Engineer, 


V.I. Demchenko – Ph.D.(Eng.), Head of Scientific and Thechnical Complex, 


A.A. Saranov – Deputy Head of Department, 


D.S. Fedorov – Engineer of the 1st category,  FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC

Method of multi-criteria phase synthesis of a flat transmitting active phased antenna array according to requirements to range radar

S.E. Mishchenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, 


A.Yu. Larin – Head of Department, 


V.V. Shatsky – Honored Inventor of RF, Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Head of Bureau,  FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC

D.Yu. Eliseev – Head of Group, 


A.V. Litvinov – Head of Sector, 


The combined influence of various factors on the parametric generation in crossed fields

V.B. Baiburin – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, 

Head of Department «Information Security of Automated Systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

A.S. Rozov – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, 

Department «Information Security of Automated Systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

N. Yu. Khorovodova – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, 

Department «Information Security of Automated Systems», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

S.L. Chernyshev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department «Radio Electronic Systems and Devices», Bauman Moscow State Technical University E-mail:

Universal ranging code generator of GNSS signals

O.K. Mikhaylova – Student, Assistant, 

Navigation Systems Laboratory, National Research University «MPEI»


I.V. Korogodin – Ph.D.(eng), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Systems, 

Leading Research Scientist, Navigation Systems Laboratory, National Research University «MPEI» E-mail:

I.V. Lipa – Ph.D.(eng), Senior Research Scientist, 

Navigation Systems Laboratory, National Research University «MPEI» E-mail:

Structural adaptation of telecommunication systems with ensuring admissible information losses

A.M. Mezhuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


A.V. Korennoi – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department №122, MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


D.L. Sturov – Post-graduate Student, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


The choice of radiation parameters of a high-power microwave generator in the task of electromagnetic damage to radio-electronic means

A.A. Volkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer,  Military Educational-Research Centre 

of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail:

Estimation of the volume and mass of shaper of a pulsed electromagnetic field based on high-power microwave generators

A.A. Volkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Military Educational-Research Centre 

of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail:

About the possibility to designa strip parametric four-pole scatterer

N.Yu. Babanov 1, A.V. Klyuev 2, S.V. Lartsov 3, V.P. Samarin 4

1,4 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

2 Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Measuring Systems n.a. Y.E. Sedakov (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

3 JSC GIPROGAZSENTER (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)


Flicker noise or fluctuation drift of the working point

A.S. Matsaev1, A.A. Matsaev2

1,2 LLC «IKS» (Moscow, Russia)

Application of superresolution in identifying aircraft based on the Doppler portraits

D.G. Mitrofanov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Research Centre, 

Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk)


D.S. Grigoryan – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk) E-mail:

V.V. Gerasimov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, 

Department of Scientific Work Organization, Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk)

A.V. Romanenko – Deputy Head of Research Division, Research Centre, 

Vasilevsky Military Academy of Air Defense Forces RF (Smolensk) E-mail:

Effect of exposure of bioresonance endogenous electromagnetic fields on the proliferative activity of regenerating liver of experimental animals

N.T. Saliya – Dr. Sc. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, A.N. Bakulev National Scientific and Practical Center for CVS (Moscow) E-mail:

O.L. Bokeriya – Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Main Research Scientist,  A.N. Bakulev National Scientific and Practical Center for CVS (Moscow)


D.V. Dzidziguri – Dr. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Department, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University E-mail:

E.D. Bakuradze – Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


I.R. Modebadze – Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University E-mail:

Element-by-element processing and processing in general of multi-bit binary signals

N.M. Ashimov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of Department, 

Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Russian Ground Forces «CAA AF RF» (Moscow)

Yu.P. Aparina – Research Scientist, State Academy of Fire Security of Emergency Situations Ministry RF (Moscow)

A.S. Vasin – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Department, Tyumen high military-engineering college E-mail:

Possibilities and prospects of application of artificial intelligence methods for solving boundary value problems of mathematical physics in engineering practice

L. N. Yasnitsky – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of Perm State University, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”


S. L. Gladky – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Analytics Development Group, LLC “VIPAKS” (Perm)


I. I. Nikitenko – Senior Design Engineer, LLC “CROC Region” (Moscow)


The hardware implementation of artificial neuron

V.A. Skolota – Post-graduate Student, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,  Novosibirsk State Technical University


I.A. Belova – Post-graduate Student, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering,  Novosibirsk State Technical University 


M.V. Martinovich – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Novosibirsk State Technical University 


The behavior modeling in neural networks

Yu.N. Khizhnyakov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Remote Control,  Perm National Research Polytechnic University

E-mail: luda @

N.G. Lipatnikov – Master, Department of Automation and Remote Control,  Perm National Research Polytechnic University

E-mail: lipatnikovnikita@yandeх.ru

Radio-electronic control systems of sixth generation fighters. Part 1. Approaches to development. Optimization problems

V.I. Merkulov1, A.N. Savelyev2

1 JSC Radio Engineering Corporation Vega (Moscow, Russia)

2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Prospects of development additive 3D technologies for production products of the electronic equipment

A.A. Kondrashin1, A.N. Lyamin2, A.V. Savkin3

1–3 Institute № 12, Federal state-funded educational institution of the higher education "The Moscow aviation institute (the national research university)" (Moscow, Russia)

Radio-electronic control systems of sixth generation fighters. Part 2. Architecture of the onboard complex. Features of integration and element base

A.S. Bogachev1, V.I. Merkulov2, A.N. Savelyev3, I.R. Zagrebelnyi4

1,2,4 JSC Radio Engineering Corporation Vega (Moscow, Russia)

3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


Modern hybrid-integrated autodyne oscillators of microwave and mm-wave ranges and its applications. Part 15. Signal and noise characteristics of frequency-modulated autodynes

V.Ya. Noskov1, E.V. Bogatyrev2, R.G. Galeev3, K.A. Ignatkov4, K.D. Shaidurov5

1,4,5 Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

2 Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

3 JSC «NPP «Radiosvyaz»; Department of Radiophysics and Special Electronic Equipment of the M.F. Reshetnev SibSU (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)


Тhe analytical description of functions of information efficiency of telecommunication systems with various structures

A.M. Mezhuev1, A.V. Korennoi2, T.Yu. Uryvskaya3, D.L. Sturov4

1-4 MESC of the Air Force «N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)

Optimization of the structure of information systems based on stochastic methods

S.A. Skachkov1, A.V. Klyuev2, I.L. Zhbanov3, A.V. Maximov4, G.A. Gabrielyan5, I.A. Isayeva6

1−3 Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk, Россия)

4 JSC Morinsis-Agat Concern (Moscow, Russia)

5−6 Institute of Information Technologies of RTU MIREA (Moscow, Russia)

The relationship between polymorphism of the gene for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), cognitive functions of a brain and student’s anthropometric characteristics

A.Е.Talipova – Post-graduate Student, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University 


L.V. Bets – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Anthropology,  Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University 


V.А. Spitsyn – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Research Centre for Medical Genetics (Moscow)


N.A. Ryabchikova – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of The Higher nervous activity,  Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov, Moscow State University 


Model of formation of the generator of the pattern of activity

V.V. Andrianov – Ph.D.(Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Kazan Federal University (Kazan),  Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute (Kazan)


Kh.L. Gainutdinov – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Kazan Federal University (Kazan),  Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute (Kazan)


I.A. Lavrov – Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Kazan Federal University (Kazan)


Biotechnical system for automated HER2-status determination in breast cancer via fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)

D.S. Makhov1, G.S. Razmakhaev2, E.N. Slavnova3, A.V. Samorodov4

1,4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

2,3 Oncocytology department, P.A. Hertzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute (Moscow, Russia)

Radio-electronic control systems of sixth generation fighters. Part 3. Hierarchical levels of information processing and control formation. Directions of development

A.S. Bogachev1, V.I. Merkulov2, I.R. Zagrebelnyi3

1–3 JSC Radio Engineering Corporation Vega (Moscow, Russia)


Clusterization of water environment and biotkans – the basis of development of a new direction of biomedical radioelectronics in EHF- and THZ- ranges

N.I. Sinitsyn
Dr Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Deputy Director for Research,
Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of the RAS

Yu.V. Gulyaev
Dr Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Academician of RAS,
Scientific Director of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics n.a. V.A. Kotelnikov of RAS (Moscow)

V.A. Elkin
Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist,
Saratov branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of the RAS

O.V. Betsky
. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
Scientific Director, Fryazino Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics
, V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of the RAS

The use of distributed heating for thermal destruction of tumors (the brief review)

V.N. Makarov
Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Institute of Cybernetics, Moscow Technology University,
Supervisor of the Company «Technosvet», Moscow

Principles of aircraft height precision measurement in a non-cooperative system of spaced radars with phased array antennas

V.Yu. Loskutov¹, S.A. Rastvorov², M.V. Rodin³, V.V. Chapurskiy

¹−⁴ Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Analysis of methylation levels of miRNA genes in tumors and metastases, taking into account the concentrations of VEGF in the blood plasma of patients with ovarian cancer

V.I. Loginov1, I.V. Tereshkina2, D.N. Kushlinsky3, A.A. Alferov4, A.I. Koltunova5, N.A. Arzhanukhina6, D.V. Rogozhin7, E.A. Braga8, O.V. Kovaleva9, N.E. Kushlinskii10

1,4,8,10 Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow, Russia)

2 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry of the Ministry of Health of Russia
(Moscow, Russia)

3 Institute for advanced training of healthcare professionals of the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory (Khabarovsk, Russia)

4–7,9,10 N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

Superconducting matching schemes of the generator and the mixing system in the sub-terahertz frequency range

А.A. Atepalikhin1, F.V. Khan2, L.V. Filippenko3, V. P. Koshelets4

1-4 Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Moscow, Russia)

1,2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Dolgoprudny, Russia)

Pumping source of precision technological laser

E.V. Vasilev1, M.V. Pokrovskay2, V.I. Kozlov3

1–3 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
1,2,3 kozlov380@yandex

Phenomenological electromagnetic source of Schumann resonances

L.S. Chudnovsky1, K.E. Tyupikov2

1,2 JSC “Precision Systems and Instruments” (Moscow, Russia)

Virtual MIMO radars and their comparison based on generalized uncertainty functions

V.V. Chapursky1, G.P. Slukin2, A.A. Filatov3, D.E. Koroteev4

1–4 NII RET Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Conception of the mobile autonomous service medical robots

D.A. Rogatkin, D.G. Lapitan, L.G. Lapaeva

Analysis of versions of topology of MIMO radars antenna systems with two-dimensional and one-dimensional arrangement of antenna elements

I. V. Kryuchkov1, M. I. Noniashvili2, S. A. Rastvorov3, V. V. Chapursky4
1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University’s Research Institute of Radioelectronic Technology (Moscow, Russia)

Development of a decision support system for the organization of a medical worker's working time based on artificial intelligence methods

S.Yu. Zhuleva1, A.V. Kroshilin2, S.V. Kroshilina3

1–3 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkina (Ryazan, Russia)

Weibull disytibution: history and modernity

S.Ya. Grodzenskiy1

1 MIREA – Russian University of Technology (Moscow, Russia)

miRNAs in the regulation of the PD-1/PD-L1 immune checkpoint in ovarian cancer

D.O. Utkin1, V.I. Loginov2, D.N. Kushlinsky3, N.Yu. Sokolov4, A.I. Koltunova5, N.A. Arzhanukhina6, D.V. Rogozhin7, J.G. Pajanidi8, E.A. Braga9

1,4–8 Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology,
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

1 Moscow City Oncology Hospital №62 (Moscow, Russia)

2,9 Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow, Russia)

3 Institute for advanced training of healthcare professionals of the Ministry of Health
of the Khabarovsk Territory (Khabarovsk, Russia)

An approach to generating program code based on neural network algorithms

A.A. Bakhman1, M.A. Vasyunin2, V.A. Galkin3, Yu.E. Gapanyuk4

1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Comparative analysis of lossless audio data compression formats

B.S. Goryachkin1, R.V. Fonkants2, R.R. Safin3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Applying Generative Image Models to Augment Face Detector Training Data

N.A. Andriyanov1, Ya.V. Kulichenko2

1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Multi-criteria optimization of the preparation of control work for the student using neural networks

T.A. Kontsova1, E.P. Dogadina2

1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Estimation of efficiency of the information exchange on digital networks of communication of terrestrial and air basing: algorithmic and the software

A.M. Mezhuev1, A.V. Korennoi2, D.L. Sturov3, D.V. Rodionov4

1-4 MESC of Air Forces N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy (Voronezh, Russia)

Generalized uncertainty function for a non-cooperative multi-position radar with a swarm of receiving positions

A.A. Filatov1, G.P. Slukin2, V.V. Chapursky3, M.I. Noniashvili4

1–4 NII RET Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Method for synthesizing a sparse antenna array with a given fill fac-tor based on a genetic algorithm

V. V. Zadorozhnyj1
1 FSUE “Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communication” (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Serial digital QAM-modem based on complex band-pass IIR filters with LF-prototypes of Bessel

Yu.A. Grebenko1, R.I. Polyak2, Phyo Aung Kyaw3

1-3 National Research University “MPEI” (Moscow, Russia)

1; 2; 3

Parametric synthesis of a potentiometric low-power tracking system with an impulse element

E. Yu. Vataeva1

1 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Gunn diode oscillator with cylindrical resonator

A.N. Zikiy1, A.S. Kochubey2, M.S. Litvinov3

1−3 SC «Taganrog Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russia)

1, 2, 3

The research of phase noise of frequency synthesizers based on high-speed direct-to-analog converters

K.A. Yakimenko1, V.V. Romashov2, K.K. Khramov3, A.N. Doktorov4, N.A. Sochneva5

1-4 Murom Institute (branch) Federal state budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Vladimir State University n.a. Alexader Grigoryevich and Nickolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs” (Murom, Russia)

5 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Vladimir State University n.a. Alexader Grigoryevich and Nickolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs” (Vladimir, Russia)

1; 2; 3; 4; 5

Generalized, general and particular equations of gyrotropic waveguide Helmholtz taking into account heat losses

G.B. Itigilov1, D.Sh. Shirapov2, V.A. Kravchenko3

1–3 East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (Ulan-Ude, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Non-contact method for measuring distance to a flat surface using a combined multipole reflectometer

B. M. Kats1, A. A. L’vov2, P. A. L’vov3, V. P. Meshchanov4, K. A. Sayapin5
1–5 Nika-Microwave, Ltd. (Saratov, Russia)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Traffic model in heterogeneous networks based on experimental data

E.A. Spirina1, S.V. Kozlov2, A.A. Bukharina3

1–3 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev–KAI (Kazan, Russia)

1; 2; 3 (Kazan, Russia)

A generalized indicator of the efficiency of the use of the spacecraft radar to solve the remote sensing of earth problems by synthesizing the aperture. Part 1. Methodological foundations

D.D. Gabrielyan1, V.I. Demchenko2, A.O. Kasyanov3, A.A. Kosogor4

1,2,4 FSUE “Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communication” (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

3 Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

1; 3

Microwave signal mixer based on fiber electro-optical intensity modulator

V.M. Vladimirov1, M.Yu. Reushev2, K.A. Drevin3

1,2 FRC KSC SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

3 OOO «NPF «Elektron» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Improving the characteristics of generators based on dielectric resonators from BMT material

V.M. Kolomin1, I.V. Filippov2, A.A. Smirnova3, V.N. Rybkin4, N.S. Karasev5, V.A. Iovdalsky6, V.P. Marin7

1–6 JSC NPP “Istok n. a. Shokin” (Fryazino, Russia)
2 Russian Technological University (RTU) MIREA (Moscow, Russia)
1, 2

Method of substantiation of information support tasks of conflict stability of interaction of organizational and technical systems

L.E. Mistrov1

1 Central branch of the Russian State Unitary Enterprise (Voronezh, Russia)


Resolution of variants of airfield surveillance MIMO radar

M.I. Noniashvili1, G.P. Slukin2, V.V. Chapursky3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University’s Research Institute of Radioelectronic Technology (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Modern methods of computer vision and their practical application in the problem of defectoscopy of integrated circuits

A.Yu. Shafigullina1, D.I. Klimov2, T.T. Mamedov3, I.R. Gubaidullin4

1–4 Joint Stock Company "Russian Space Systems" (Moscow, Russia)

2 National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (Moscow, Russia)

1 postgraduate, 2,
3, 4

Methods for reducing distortions of the output voltage spectrum of switch-mode generators

R.I. Zudov1, V.A. Sorotsky2, A.M. Ulanov3

1-3 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia)

1; 2; 3

Genetic algorithm for stabilization of complex control systems

V.N. Efanov1, D.F. Mufazzalov2

1,2 Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russia),

Special aspects of patch antennas synthesis using genetic algorithm

M.M. Migalin1, V.A. Obukhovets2

1,2 Southern Federal University (Taganrog, Russia)


The influence of phase noise and nonlinear distortions of high-speed digital-to-analog converters on the parameters of digital communication systems

K.A. Yakimenko1, V.V. Romashov2, K.K. Khramov3, A.N. Doktorov4, N.A. Sochneva5

1-4 Murom Institute (branch) Federal state budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Vladimir State University n.a. Alexader Grigoryevich and Nickolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs” (Murom, Russia)

5 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
“Vladimir State University n.a. Alexader Grigoryevich and Nickolay Grigoryevich Stoletovs” (Vladimir, Russia)

1; 2; 3; 4; 5

Patch antenna mutual coupling reduction using a genetic algorithm

M. M. Migalin1, V. A. Obukhovets2
1, 2 Southern Federal University (Taganrog, Russia)


Method of allocation of information streams in the digital communication system with usage the generalized index

A.M. Mezhuev1, K.A. Kobelev2, D.L. Sturov3, S.I. Babusenko4

1-3 Military Air Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh, Russia)

4 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)

1; 2; 3; 4

Algorithm for calculating nonlinearity switching points “two-position relay with hysteresis”

N.L. Grechkin1, E.Yu. Vataeva2, V.F. Shishlakov3

1-3 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrument Engineering (St. Petersburg, Russia)

1; 2; 3

An approach to the formation of intellectual academic genealogy using large language models

I.M. Lerner1, A.Kh. Marinosyan2, S.G. Grigoriev3, A.R. Yusupov4, M.A. Anikyeva5, G.A. Garifullina6

1 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev – KAI (Kazan, Russia)

2,3 Moscow City Pedagogical University (Moscow, Russia)

4 Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmully (Ufa, Russia)

5 Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

6 Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Russia)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6