350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Simple generator of the fractal images
S.A. Ostanin
The generator of stochastic 2-D images of any fractal dimension is described. The generator is built using technology LabVIEW. The mathematical basis of the generator is a 2-D Fourier transform of the noise. The spectrum of 2-D noise is multiplied by a power function, then the inverse Fourier transform. This transformation is equivalent to non-linear filtering of noise. The result is a stochastic fractal 2-D image. Model parameters related to the fractal dimension of the image. The paper presents examples of the generated fractal images and surfaces. Shows a block diagram of a stochastic fractal image generator. The device is simple and can be easily reproduced. Using LabVIEW technology enables the integration of the generator with other programs or devices. The generator can be used, including, for the purposes of mathematical modeling of images and surfaces of different nature.
Pages: 540-544

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