Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
(Nizhnii Novgorod)
E–mail: koltzovyv@mail.ru
E.M. Dobychina – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
E-mail: dem5577@yandex.ru
Second part of the work continues to review fifth generation fighter avionics Sukhoi Su–57 which was started in first part [1] and in which the following electronic weapons: radar facility SH–121, AESA N036 «Belka» radar, antenna systems, electro-optical system 101KS «Atoll» including 101KS–О, 101KS–V, 101KS–U and 101KS–P, computer N036UVS complex, defence L402 «Gimalai» complex, communication S–111 complex.
In 2019 many important events have occurred related to promotion fifth generation fighter Sukhoi Su–57.
March 19, 2019 Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that he considers Sukhoi Su–57 the best military aircraft in the world.
An extraordinary decision was made Russian President’s to speed up mass production and increase fighter Sukhoi Su–57 purchases. June 27, 2019 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin signed during the forum «Army–2019» government contract for supply 76 fighters Sukhoi Su–57.
The main premiere of the air show «Paris Air Show 2019» in Le Bourget (June 17–23, 2019) became a full-size fighter layout Sukhoi Su–57.
Fighter Sukhoi Su–57 took part for the first time in the drawing of tactical episodes of the competition «Aviadarts–2019» as part of army international games (August 5–12).
Aircraft Sukhoi Su–57 became the main exhibit of the salon MAKS–2019 (August 27 – Septenber 1).
Fifth generation fighter Sukhoi Su–57 equipped with brand new complex integrated avionics which possesses high level management automation and intellectual pilot support. This greatly enhances the capabilities of the fighter reducing the burden on the pilot. The onboard equipment of novel aircraft make it possible to bring about data exchange as ground control systems as inside of aviation group as well as to work autonomous.
To replace the AESA radar will come brand new systems with radio photon phased array antenna. In 2018 officials submitted Sukhoi Su–57 like a platform for fighter sixth generation for which make a claim to use radio photon radar. Conventional systems provides efficiency 40%, efficiency of radio photon radar is estimated at 20%. Radio photon radars able to work in a wider frequency range with greater range of action.
Fighter Sukhoi Su–57 can perform 20% of the tasks in automatic mode using technology of artificial intelligence.
Communication and data transmission system of Sukhoi Su–57 will use special types of noise immunity.
When glazing cockpits Sukhoi Su–57 was applied new composite material. It reduces radar signature at 30%.
Aircraft can apply wide range aviation means of destruction «air–to–air» and «air–to–surface» providing solving fighter’s and attack’s problems.
September 27, 2019 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that newest Sukhoi S–70 «Okhotnik» UAV made the first joint flight with newest Fighter Sukhoi Su–57. This was the first example flight integration of UAV and fifth generation fighter. In the near future may appear deck option of Sukhoi Su–57.
The most important thing: fifth generation fighter Sukhoi Su–57 – best offer in its class in relation flight performance, combat capabilities and price.
- Kol'cov Ju.V., Dobychina E.M. Avionika istrebitelja pjatogo pokolenija Su–57. Uspehi sovremennoj radiojelektroniki. 2019. T. 73. № 8. S. 29–43. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201908-03. [in Russian]
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- Podpisan kontrakt na postavku Ministerstvu oborony Rossii 76 istrebitelej pjatogo pokolenija Su–57. Bmpd. 2019. 27 ijunja. [in Russian]
- Minoborony poluchit 76 istrebitelej Su–57. Novosti VPK. 2019. 28 ijunja. [in Russian]
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- Sina (Kitaj): Rossija zajavila, chto istrebitel' Su–57 nadelen iskusstvennym intellektom. Kitajskie Su–35 uzhe osnashheny oborudovaniem, pozvoljajushhim avtomatizirovat' polovinu processov. Novosti VPK. 2019. 20 sentjabrja. [in Russian]
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- Rossijskie bespilotniki mogut poluchit' oblegchennuju sistemu svjazi ot Su–57. Novosti VPK. 2019. 23 sentjabrja. [in Russian]
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- Novejshij udarnyj bespilotnik «Ohotnik» sovershil pervyj sovmestnyj polet s Su–57. Novosti – Oruzhie Rossii. 2019. 27 sentjabrja. [in Russian]
- Svjazka s BPLA S–70 «Ohotnik» delaet Su–57 istrebitelem pokolenija 5+. Voennoe obozrenie. 2019. 27 sentjabrja. [in Russian]
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