350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Evaluation of the generalized indicator of technical level robot-assisted surgical systems
G.E. Roytberg - Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, President JSC «Medicina» (Moscow). E-mail: jdorosh@yandex.ru J.V. Dorosh - Ph.Dr.(Med.), Associate Professor, Deputy Director of Medical Service JSC «Medicina» (Moscow). E-mail: jdorosh@yandex.ru A.V. Shakurov - Head of Department 3.1, Power Engineering Research Institute, Bauman Moscow State technical University. E-mail: shakurov@bmstu.ru A.V. Pushkarev - Engineer of 1st category, Department of Medical Equipment RMAPO, Assistant, Department «E4», Bauman Moscow State technical University. E-mail: pushkarev@bmstu.ru A.I. Verkhovny - Student, Department «E4», Bauman Moscow State technical University; Engineer, Power Engineering Research Institute, Bauman Moscow State technical University. E-mail: Grosmeyster@yandex.ru
The description of the modern robotic surgical systems is shown to select analogue required for comparison with robotic-assisted set of fourth generation. The developed nomenclature, consisting of 52 individual indicators of the technical level, is shown. It describes the full range of affected parameters robotic systems. All the individual indicators were distributed in 15 groups, each of which brings together indicators on described similar properties. The methods of valuation individual indicators of the technical level of analog and product were described. The sequence of calculations and analysis were considered in detail on the example of ergonomics group. For each of the indicators were developed their original formulas. They are necessary for expression the evaluation in a numerical equivalent for comparison and further calculations. The values of individual parameters of the technical level are shown and valuation methods are specified. Two methods for calculating the generalized indicator of the technical level are shown and described: differential and mixed. The differential method allows to analyze the comparison of the level quality of assessed robotic surgical system and the analog unit for individual indicators technical level. The mixed method allows to comprehensively assess the technical level of the indicator, taking into account not only individual weight indicator , but the weight indicator of the group. During calculation were obtained technical level of 1.285 for the differential method and 1.382 for the mixed method, that above 1.05 and corresponds to the robotic systems above the level world. The method of calculation was laid in the software Microsoft Excel environment, which allows to conveniently change the input parameters for calculating, thus picking up the rational improvement of various parameters. The calculation demonstrates the improvement of each indicator of technical level and calculates the generalized indicator of technical level using proposed two methods described above. The reported study was partially supported by RFBR, research project No. 13-08-12043 ofi_m.
Pages: 46-53


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