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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Identification methods of biological objects metabolic fre-quencies in SHF and EHF ranges
biological objects
metabolic frequency
electrical conductivity
millimetric and submillimetric range
horn antenna
generator EHF radiation
frequency meter (cymometer)
spectrum analyzer
intermediate frequency amplifier
voltage detector
I.V. Malyshev Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Radioengineering Electronics Department, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
N.V. Parshina Post-graduate Student, Radioengineering Electronics Department, Southern Federal University
In the article offers the scheme installations SHF and EHF waveguide execution configured to work «passthrough» and «reflection», which allow to reveal metabolic frequency in samples of biological environments by the degree of change their conductivity in a wide frequency range.
The original installation can be used in research of biological laboratories. Laboratory studies and investigations performed on these systems, based on registration of metabolic frequencies change of the electrical conductivity in the studied samples.
Test specimens of biomaterials are placed in a special, permeable for microwave radiation power containers.
Measurement setup «passthrough» includes a container with a sample is placed between two (transmitting and receiving) horn antenna. The first antenna is supplied from the generator EHF radiation (GEHF), which is also used us the local oscillator for the frequency converter (mixer). Then output signal put at the intermediate frequency amplifier. Electric restructuring GEHF use low-frequency generator pumping frequency with deviation of + 10...20 %. This generator also used as a heterodine band-lo spectrum analyzer.
Similarly, this method can be implemented on the configured installation «on reflection», where the receiving and transmitting antennas combined in one waveguide module, in which radiated wave enters into a separate tract, and reflected from a container with biological media enters in another, due to the built-circulator. After that hete-rodyne frequency radiation from GEHC and reflected from the object are mixed and on the spectrum analyzer can be observed metabolic frequencies what make change of own environment conductivity and reflected or ab-sorbed by them waves are detected.
Describes techniques will be used in biological laboratories studying the problems of increasing the yield of agricul-tural crops.
Pages: 65-68
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