350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The Description of Properties of Dynamic System - a Constructive Element of the Device of Protection of the Information Dynamic Klasterno-Attraktornoj Networks
A.V. Strukov
The paper proposed and proved the basic properties of dynamical systems applied to develop devices protect information circulating in the dynamic cluster - attractor network. Proposed and justified a new concept - the dynamic cluster - attractor network, which had spurred a new direction in science - a network analysis based on chaos theory and «the calculation of zeros» by L. Euler. Fundamental points of which are presented in this article. As part article discusses the processes occurring inside the dissipative nonlinear dynamical systems for use as a basic element of information security device of DKA network. The material is saturated with enough new directions in science, so the basic techniques described in summary narrative form. The paper consists of two parts. The first part has practical value. It talks about the object of study. Object of study is a new type of network - DKA network. Subject matter is the immunity of the considered network. The second part deals with one of the components of the research subject - a dynamic system. Essentially dividing is one of important components of the device immunity DKA network.
Pages: 95-102
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