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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
914-nm YVO4:Nd3+ microchip-laser with intracavity second harmonic generation
S.I. Derzhavin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory «Diode Lasers», «Advanced energy technologies» LTD; Head of Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: derzh@kapella.gpi.ru
D.A. Mashkovsky - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: dma@kapella.gpi.ru
V.N. Timoshkin - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Powerful Semiconductor Laser Devices, Department of High-Power Lasers, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: vtim@kapella.gpi.ru
The results of the work on creating the microchip-laser with YVO4:Nd3+ active element (radiation wave length λ = 914 nm) using intracavity conversion into the second harmonic (λ = 457 nm blue) are reported in this article. Developing the effective heat removal and estimation of optimum parameters of the active element, which are capable to provide a stable generation in cw mode, were the basic problems. To solve the first problem a heat sink of original design, which efficiency has been confirmed experimentally, has been developed. The solution of the second one was carried out by experimental examing the several samples differing with the active element dimensions and Nd concentration and by following optimisation. As a nonlinear element for the frequency doubling LBO crystal was used. The pumping was carried out by the powerful semi-conductor diode under the longitudinal scheme.
At average pumping capacity of 2.5 W the maximum power of stable cw generation have made 52 mW for 914-nm radiation and 4.9 mW for blue radiation. These values may be improved by means of optimizing the exit mirror reflectance. The influence on cw generation of a heat removal from the active element, detuning the pumping wave length, a thermal lens in active element were investigated too.
Pages: 34-39
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