N.Yu. Babanov 1, A.V. Klyuev 2, S.V. Lartsov 3, V.P. Samarin 4
1,4 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
2 Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Measuring Systems n.a. Y.E. Sedakov (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
3 JSC GIPROGAZSENTER (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
3 s.lartsov@ggc.nnov.ru
The article describes the use of a strip parametric scatterer as a passive radio marker. With a simpleconsytruction the parametric scatterer is capable of being excited at the frequency of its half subharmonic when irradiated with a probing signal (pump signal). The parametric scatterers are very attractive for marking various objects in comparison with other types of passive radio markers (nonlinear scatterers and transponders) due to the increased noise immunity and low levels of the pump signal that cause the parametric scatterer to be excited.
Almost all parametric scatterers described in literature are bipolar,herewith the optimization of their design has not been considered. This fact occurs due to the absence of publications that describe in theorythe properties of parametric scatterers.
This paper describes the applied theory of the parametric scatterers developed by the authors, which is based on the description and analysis of elementary processes that occur sequentially in parametric scatterers. These elementary processes are: the process of receiving a pump signal by the receiving antenna of the parametric scatterer, the process of channelling a pump signal from the antenna to the parametric generator, converting a pump signal into a response signal in the parametric generator, channeling a response signal from the parametric generator to the radiating antenna of the parametric scatterer and radiating a response signal to the surrounding space. The described applied theory allows to correctly describe the processes occurring in parametric scatterers and find quantitative characteristics of the interaction of pump signals with parametric scatterers. This approach makes it possible to create new, more efficient constructions of parametric scatterers, in particular parametric four-pole-scatterers with spaced antennas that receive a pump signal and emit a response signal to the surrounding space. As an example, the paper presents the construction of a three-loop strip parametric scatterer; a mathematical model of its equivalent circuit and the results of numerical modelling obtained using the LabVIEW modeling software environment are demonstrated. In particular, the amplitude characteristics of such a scatterer were calculated. In order to confirm the correctness of the obtained data, a series of experiments was conducted using the developed experimental stand. The amplitude characteristics of the three-loop strip parametric scatterer were measured at a pump signal frequency of 800 MHz.Comparison of the results of numerical and full-scale experiments indicates their satisfactory matching, which letsstate the effectiveness of the proposed method of the parametric scatterers synthesis.
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