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Journal №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Super resolution microscopy of materials with high nonlinearity
nanocrystal material
porous anodic alumina
second harmonic generation
nonlinear microscopy
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, S.V. Semin, S.D. Lavrov
The increase in the spatial resolution in the high optical harmonics generation is well known. However, this effect can not be used in optical microscopy, as harmonics fall within the range of far ultraviolet and its detection in microscopy mode is quite difficult. This paper proposes a new method for super resolution microscopy, using effects on the high nonlinearity of the material with the resulting radiation being left in the visible range. Such effects are two-photon superluminescence. One of the such effects is super-resolution, another can occur in the laser-induced phase transitions. In the first case, the non-linearity of order n increases the resolution for the Gaussian beam up to n. In the second case, the increase in resolution depends on the properties of the phase transition. The paper discusses examples of superresolution microscopy for bio-organic peptide microtubes, for which annealing and the phase transition resulted in appearance of superluminescence. The ways are discussed for extending the class of materials for which the proposed method can be applied.
Pages: 38-43
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