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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Procedure of Design of Radio-electronic Equipment on the Basis of Nonlinear-parametric Zone Systems
L.V. Cherkesova
Among the arrangements of power supplies of the radioelectronic equipment, including onboard ship radioelectronics, intended for the decision of tasks of radio-location and radio navigation by the ships of Navy fleet of the Russian Federation, as well as electric motors, generators, amplifiers, etc. the leading positions have borrowed with impulse converters of voltage and current (ICV, ICC). Their structure includes single-phase and three-phase rectifiers of voltage (current) with active correction of power (capacity) and bidirectional transfer of the energy, having high parameters of power on unit of volume. To them concern coordinating converters, bidirectional static converters of the electric power, charge-discharge converters, etc. ICV and ICC represent complex resonant nonlinear parametrical zone (pazone) systems (NPS), containing nonlinear oscillating systems, i.e. resonators. These are converters, which units contain with key parametrical generators and amplifiers of the modulated oscillations of high and ultrahigh frequency. Aim of publication is development of a procedure of design of fast-acting converters based on resonant scheme on the basis of nonlinear parametrical zone systems (nonlinear resonators), functioning in the highest zones of instability of oscillations. The article expands functional possibilities and scopes of reversible power electronic converters of the electric power due to application multipurpose nonlinear-parametrical zone arrangements. The procedure of numeric calculation of inductive NPS is developed. Mathematical model of system parameters, containing an inductive element from a ferromagnetic material, for rating circuit concerning magnetic induction elaborated. The received mathematical dependences allow to provide on conceptual phase possible operating conditions and to construct reference trajectories of degradation of target characteristics of the converter. The offered procedure allows investigating stability of properties of the reserved (closed) core from ferromagnetic material at influence of various operational factors, neglecting insignificant variations of relative increments of the geometrical sizes of the core. Stability of ferromagnetic material to influence of climatic factors estimated by stability, i.e. ability to keep the parameters in the certain limits during influence, and after-action, i.e. capacity to keep the parameters and mechanical properties in the certain limits after some time (the period of restoration). Influence of temperatures on properties of ferromagnetic materials is characterized as well by the irreversible consequence, one of which reasons is termomagnetic hysteresis. In particular, heating and cooling of ferrite is accompanied by variation of their parameters on account of dependence in principle on temperature of such basic characteristics of ferrite as magnetization of saturation, energy of crystallographic magnet anisotropy and magnet strict saturation. The greatest temperature stability has low permeable Ni-Zn ferrites. Dependence of relative variation of initial magnetic permeability of material on duration of influence of various positive temperatures has monotonous character. Humidifying of the core leads to its variation specific electric resistance, dielectric permeability and a tangent of angle of dielectric losses. It is necessary to notice, that for ferrites with high permeability humidifying does not strongly affect parameters, owing to the rather high open porosity of a material. For ferrites with high specific resistance, low dielectric permeability and tangent of angle of dielectric losses, functioning in the super high frequency (SHF) and high frequency (HF) ranges, humidifying affects significantly. At insignificant humidifying, the size of tangent of angle of dielectric losses changes on 1-2 orders. Generally, humidity affects such parameters of an inductive element as own capacity and capacitor losses in coil windings. At work on strong electromagnetic fields, it can lead to a warming up of an inductive element. Temporary stability of electromagnetic parameters of cores at various operating conditions has direct relationship to definition of reliability of work of an inductive element and the converter as a whole. Temporary variation of electromagnetic parameters of cores results from proceeding physical and chemical processes, as a result of which there are variations in a structure of a crystal bar, redistribution in it cations, admixturing atoms, tensions, etc
Pages: 45-54
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