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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The technique of test program generation in the form of automata network for testing the mixed-signal integrated circuits
S.G. Mosin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: smosin@vlsu.ru
The testing of mixed-signal integrated circuits is a complex task, solution of which requires searching and selecting the appropriate test methods for analog and digital subcircuits as well as consequent matching for a joint testing of the both subcircuits. The method of a test program generation as an automata network ensuring the testing of mixed-signal integrated circuits (MSIC) with different resolving ability using automated test equipment was proposed. The algebraic automata theory was used for description and synchronizing the processes of MSIC test implementation, where the process of testing the separate element is described by a finite automata and process of joint testing the elements of MSIC is defined as an automata network. Two models of description the process of MSIC hierarchical testing in a form of automata network determining a set of independent parallel processes of testing the separate functional blocks or a set of parallel processes of a joint matched in the time testing of the functional blocks from the both subcircuits have been defined. The decomposition of proposed method in terms of a set of main operations was represented. The automata network generated on the base of proposed method provides the deterministic synthesis of control signals for MSIC testing with diverse resolving ability as well as the activating signals of corresponding test signals. The translation of obtained automata network into instructions and scripts relevant to format of used test equipment underlie the test program generation for automated test equipment. The results of experimental investigation of the proposed method were given. The description and simulation of finite automata and automata network for the considered mixed-signal circuit have been done in Simulink toolbox of MATLAB software. The results of the models analysis describing the processes of hierar-chical testing the mixed-signal circuit confirm the determinancy and stability of the test signal generation.
Pages: 29-35


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