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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Formation of an Entrance Signal of a Watching Measuring Instrument by a Method of Restoration of a Trajectory of the Target for Research of its Functioning
S.N. Daniloff, A.P. Pudovkin
Essential value for an estimation of characteristics and possibilities radar supervision systems has research of their functioning in the conditions of close to the real. Plane flight to describe difficult enough and, especially, to model, being based only on its statistical characteristics. Ways of the task of a trajectory of movement of the purpose now in use do not describe it full enough. The trajectory on the one hand should answer by the form to real movement of the target, on the other hand have such form at which derivatives of traced co-ordinates of a various order on the relative sizes answer to the derivatives observed in real flight of the target. This last is especially important, considering what exactly they define, finally, a dynamic component of an error of tracking. The offered method includes registration of signals of real air objects, their subsequent processing and generation of a trajectory on the basis of these data. For this purpose register: a vector of speed in the connected system of co-ordinates, corners of attack, sliding, a course, a list and flight height. Measurement of these parameters is onboard carried out by gauges. Generally the resultant an error of restoration of parameters of a trajectory of flight of the target makes size of an order 9  10 %. Considering, that the error on size varies slowly, it is possible to conclude, that derivatives of co-ordinates are reproduced with small errors. Advantage of such method of imitation of phase co-ordinates of the target is that change derivative of movement co-ordinates keeps plausible size. Thus, the algorithm of restoration of trajectories of the target, constructed on the basis of application of records траекторных movement parameters allows to eliminate lacks of generation of entrance files other methods not demanding thus such big expenses as natural experiment.
Pages: 20-32
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