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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Fifth generation fighter avionics Su-57
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201908-03
UDC: 621.396.96

Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.) 

(Nizhnii Novgorod)

E.M. Dobychina – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

E-mail: dem5577@yandex.ru


Visiting card of Russian aviation in 2018 became Sukhoi Su–57 fifth generation fighter. This is the unique aircraft which combine facility strike aircraft and fighter having in practice unlimited capabilities in piloting and flying fight. Su–57 creators used very high technology and composite materials that provides low level of radar, thermal and acoustic perceptibility, increased power of an engine, distance of flight and war load of aircraft.

Sukhoi Su–57 fighter is multifunction stealth fifth generation aircraft and appears perspective aviation complex of front aviation  PAK FA T–50 designing Sukhoi company. At the end of July 2017 PAK FA got a designation Su–57.

Sukhoi Su–57 fighter attributes to heavy class of fighters. The aircraft is fully consistent with the all requirements of fifth generation aircraft. The fighter ensures simple and cheap in service, gather supersonic speed without afterburning, maneuvering with large  overload, advanced electronics, stealth and multifunction aircraft. Sukhoi Su–57 capable of fighting as alone as under the network concept. 

The main problem of Su–57 avionics construction is rapid transition from classic multicomputer system to integrated modular system. The onboard equipment of novel aircraft make it possible to bring about data exchange as ground control systems as inside of aviation group as well as to work autonomous.

The article indicates achievements of domestic science and technology, in the first place, avionics of newest domestic aviation  complex. In this work, we analyses avionics of Sukhoi Su–57 fifth generation fighter on basis of a novel missions of fighter design. Radar facility SH–121, AESA N036 «Belka» radar, antenna systems, electro–optical system 101KS «Atoll», computer N036UVS  complex, defence L402 «Gimalai» complex, communication S–111 complex, questions of radar signature and Su–57 possibility were considered. Avionics design specifics of Sukhoi Su–57 were indicated.

Sukhoi Su–57 fighter is able to trace 30 air target simultaneously. It is possible with active phased array antennas that distributed around the all airframe. Therefore aircraft tracks the target ahead, from behind, aside, from above and from below. That’s a first. Radars of F–22 and F–35 fighters to survey only limited sector in ahead. In the body of aircraft embedded antennas of electronic warfare and reconnaissance systems. All antennas forming the intelligent skin of aircraft. This is allows to use the aircraft as a scout and gunlayer for unmanned aerial vehicles.

Pages: 29-45
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Date of receipt: 10 ноября 2018 г.