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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
E.S. Piruzian, I.M. Korsunskaya, V.V. Sobolev, R.M. Abdeev, A.L. Piruzyan, D.N. Serov, N.L. Starodubtseva, A.M. Elkin, S.A. Ilyina, A.G. Soboleva, S.A. Bruskin
We have performed a quantitive analysis of expression of JUND, JUNB, C-JUN, C-FOS, FRA-1 и FRA-2 genes in psoriatic lesioned skin. These genes are the components of AP-1 transcription factor. A comparative analysis of expression profiles of these genes in psoriatic lesioned and visually non-lesioned skin of 10 pathients before and after interferential therapy and 4 pathients before and after PUVA therapy was per-formed. We have shown experimentally, that in psoriatiс lesioned skin of non-treated pathients expression of FRA-1 is significantly up-regulated compared to visually non-lesioned skin. The level of expression was dramatically reduced after the treatment. We suppose that the high expression level of FRA-1 could be used as a marker of the pathology of psoriatic process. We have also found out, that of JUND, JUNB, C-JUN, C-FOS, FRA-2 gene expression in psoriatic lesioned skin compared to visually non-lesioned skin was reduced. In our paper we have shown that after interferential therapy of psoriatic lesioned skin and also after PUVA therapy expression level of all analysed genes have changed dramatically. Gene expression of JUND, JUNB, C-JUN, C-FOS, FRA-2 in psoriatic lesioned skin compared to visually non-lesioned skin after interferential therapy of psoriatic lesioned skin and also after PUVA therapy was increased. We suppose that such significant gene expression change in psoriatic lesioned skin after therapy could prove the correctness of chosing this genes (compo-nents of transcriptional factor AP-1) as possible candidate genes for the development of psoriatic process. Among analysed genes, coding the components of AP-1 complex, FRA-1 is stably up-expressed. Futhermore, the expression change of this gene before and after the treatment has shown a clear tendency to mRNA reduction after a successful treatment, what correlated with the improvement of pathienthood. It is supposed that transcriptional activity of FRA-1 could be a kind of marker of treatment efficiency at molecular level.
Pages: 16-23
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