V.B. Baiburin¹, A.S. Rozov², N.Yu. Khorovodova³, S.L. Chernyshev4
1−3 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)
2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
The paper considers the possibility of creating a frequency multiplier in the terahertz band using magnetron-type vacuum devices. The choosing of these devices is associated with their well-known useful features: compactness, resistance to radiation and mechanical loads, low weight. At the same time, designers face great technological difficulties, namely, the need for precision manufacturing of elements of multi-resonator systems that require micron tolerances. It is shown that with a parametric change with a small amplitude of axial magnetic induction, a multi-resonator system can be replaced by a coaxial resonator and a sufficiently high level of generation power at a frequency of 300 GHz (wavelength 1 mm) can be obtained using a magnetron with a 2 mm generation wavelength as the initial source. The simulation model used in this work includes the solution of the equations of motion based on the large Particle-in-Cell Method, followed by the determination of the induced current, generation power, power losses at the cathode and anode, losses due to the skin effect, and efficiency.
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