A.N. Zikiy1, A.S. Kochubey2, M.S. Litvinov3
1−3 SC «Taganrog Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russia)
1 zikiy50@mail.ru, 2 l.co4ubey@ya.ru, 3 litvinovm@inbox.ru
JSC NPP Istok, JSC Svetlana-Electronpribor, JSC NIIPP and a number of other enterprises are traditionally engaged in the production of generators on Gunn diodes and their supply to consumers in Russia. Even more foreign enterprises are engaged in the manufacture of generators on Gunn diodes, but their availability by price and other indicators is insufficient. Most enterprises develop and manufacture generators based on Gunn diodes only for their own consumption. The purpose of this work is to study a generator on a Gunn diode with increased frequency stability.
An experimental study of a generator on a Gunn diode was carried out, as well as modeling of a cylindrical resonator in the CST Studio Suite program. As the results of the study are presented:
frequency run-out in 19 minutes after switching on;
dependence of the generation frequency on the supply voltage;
dependence of the generation frequency on the varactor voltage;
photos of the spectrum in the near and far zone.
The following generator parameters were achieved:
The frequency run-out in 19 minutes was 185 kHz;
frequency departure when the supply voltage changes by 0.7 V was 738 kHz;
the frequency change when the varactor voltage changes from 0 to 9 V was 13.2 MHz;
the frequency change when changing the piston position by 5.3 mm was 589 MHz;
suppression of the second harmonic of about 40 dB.
The investigated generator is recommended to be used as a master generator of radio relay transmitters, as heterodynes of receivers of the Microwave range, as generators of control signals, in measuring equipment.
Zikiy A.N., Kochubey A.S., Litvinov M.S. Gunn diode oscillator with cylindrical resonator. Radioengineering. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 54−60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-09 (in Russian)
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