350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Formation of generalized design methodologies based on process model
A.F. Pokhilko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: afp@ulstu.ru
Preservation, classification and reusing of accumulated knowledge in continuous increase of information amount, its complexity is an actual problem of modern CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM/PLM technologies. They are used at various stages of the design of radio-electronic devices, namely the exchange of design data between different CAD systems, creating a repository of design decisions and their reuse, integrating the necessary applications in a single software workplace and organizing of a team work. The paper considers formal system principles to perform the following tasks: fixation of causal and logical relationships between design stages, procedures and operations, accumulation of the empirical information contained at the design level connections, the introduction of abstractions, generalizations and classifications at the project level, and steps procedures to improve the perception of the previously recorded processes project activities, fixing all related information beyond the formalization. The formal system is built as a hierarchical composition of the three formal theories which implement abstraction concepts and principles of distributed design activity. At the first level, the process instance is fixed according to the procedure of design, on the second level the process model describes in summary parametrically and structurally similar processes as a class of processes. Based on the above mentioned principles for the model of the second level, the procedure of automatic generalization of the process for constructing a model of the third level can be applied to the processes. For determination of processes that correspond to the third level of generalization it is appropriate to use the concept of the type of process. The type of process combines in the framework of this formalism the classes, which are parametrically similar, structurally similar and structurally-parametrically similar processes.
Pages: 118-121


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