350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Modelling Generators, Running from a Magnetic Field, with Using of Microwave Office
A.L. Khvalin, V.N. Samoldanov, A.V. Vasilev
Generators, running of magnetic field, with use of ferrite resonators are widely used in UHF-techniques. On their basis it is created the magnetic field gauges, generators of noise, synthesizers of frequencies etc. Modern lines of development of techniques is possible consist in expansion of working frequencies in UHF and creation of precision microwave devices. In connection with high cost of experiment on UHF there is a necessity of creation of strict computer models of developed devices. In offered article modeling of intensifying and generating operating modes is spent in the environment of system of automated designing Microwave Office 2007. The basic development cycles of active microwave devices on an example the generator in a range of frequencies from 18,0 to 26,0 GHz are presented: modeling of the ferrite resonator, the field transistor with a shutter of Shottki, creation of the project for the analysis of the intensifying block of the generator, research of conditions of generation, the decision of a problem of optimization topology of microstrip payments with inclusion of necessary elements are received: pieces of a regular line, turns, tees, tuning loops, microwave condensers and so forth results of calculations are resulted. The presented results will be useful to the experts who are engaged in working out of active microwave devices.
Pages: 15-18
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