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Journal Antennas №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
L-band printed log-periodic phased array antenna for limited space arrangement
phased array antenna
electric beam steering
wide-angle scanning
airborne antenna
small-size log-periodic antenna
wideband antenna
parameter optimization
genetic algorithm
E.V. Ilyin, M.S. Miloserdov, V.S.Temchenko
In this article discloses results of L-band linear array antenna\'s numerical simulation. A number of technical problems were met when log-periodic antenna was placed inside of front edge of the aircraft wing. Numerical model was built and used to test some proposed solutions. Construction features of log-periodic array are discussed for reducing radiator\'s dimensions. Placing antenna\'s printed circuit board in a symmetric dielectric layers; dipoles\' shapes modification; antenna\'s arrangement inside of opened U-shape resonator are considered. To optimize radiator\'s structure, target function was built basing on radiator\'s standing wave ratio and gain in operating frequency band. Genetic algorithm was implemented to minimize that target function. Twenty-element array antenna was simulated, which was placed in front edge of the wing. That reduced-size antenna demonstrates 1,0...1,6 GHz bandwidth. Radiators\' matching (SWR) and array pattern of the finite array are presented for different scan angles. Energy and polarization performance are discussed. The array is free of blinding effects. Array antenna design is presented.
Pages: 14-21
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