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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
V.D. Selemir - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leader Deputy in FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» - Director of Science and Technical Center, awarded by the Prize of the Government of the RF V.V. Voronin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» N.N. Stepanov - Head of Department, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF», Honored Worker of Atomic Power Engineering Industry A.V. Gutov - Рost-graduate, Military Academy named afterf Peter the Great
Phased antenna arrays of super high power Because of the current restrictions in the radiation peak power of PAA with electronic control of the phase at the level of dozens of megawatts we propose a concept of linear phased-array antenna of super-high power that is built on the basis of relativistic klystron generator and has electronic phase control between the radiating array components. After the first lead-output klystron cavity some other analogous lead-out cavities are installed, between which there are systems of shaping the after-accelerating electrostatic field (after-acceleration systems) that are powered from an extra outside source. Electrostatic field provides the compensation of energy losses of the electron beam after it passes the previous lead-out cavity. When the lead-out cavities are identical and deceleration phases of radio-frequency voltage at lead-out cavities are equal, as well as the accelerating electronic voltage blobs, the microwave radiation will be generated in the second and further lead-out cavities, the power of which will be identically equal to the power of microwave radiation in the first lead-out cavity. So, the total radiation power of the generator will be proportional to the number of after-acceleration systems and lead-out cavities. An after-acceleration system consists of a number of sections that make it possible to shape an accelerating field with different space distribution, and that provides the shift of the radiation phase in the next lead-out cavity. The ultimate range of tuning the oscillation phase of the field in the neighboring cavities depends on the wave length, the distance between the lead-out cavities, the diode voltage and the potential of after-acceleration. For example, when the distance between the cavities is L=2 for one diode voltage of 400 kV and when the after-acceleration system is used with the potential of 180 kV, the maximum shift in the oscillation phases of the field in the neighboring cavities will make 150. The earlier provided estimations show that we deal here with the power levels from hundreds of megawatts to units of gigawatts in one radiating element; so, for a linear PAA of a dozen of elements the power level can make up to ten gigawatts. The advantages of PAA with the electronic phase control are evident. It provides high velocity of scanning the space (redirection) and a possibility of simultaneous operation in several vectors in space.
Pages: 60-65


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