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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Generalized criterion of a heart rhythm vegetative influences balance
A.A. Kuznetsov
The mechanism balancing condition of a heart rhythm vegetative regulation in norm is obliged to be multilateral, dynamic and to have property of convertibility. The purpose of work - creation of the quantitative generalized criterion of a heart rhythm vegetative influences balance and a scale of functional conditions of conditionally healthy young people. 433 twenty-minute electrocardiograms registrations at conditionally healthy 72 young people are carried out. Object of research were the parametrical digital numbers synthesized on parameters of heart rate variability of the specified groups and registration series. Under registration constant conditions and the minimal physical activity cause and effect relations between persons mental and emotional activity and heart rate variability by means of regularity influences balance dynamic of vegetative nervous system were determined. For reduction of number duplicating each other parameters are chosen: a standard deviation (σ), total spectral power (TP) and a stress - index (SI). Between them there are authentic functional communications. To the analysis the synthesized digital line of dimensionless parameter ТР-SI-10-4 in the form of distribution on a scale 0σ is offered. The technique of construction of the mass histogram is applied for definition of the form of distribution ТР-SI (σ) and its comparisons with the appropriate virtual lines. Diagrams and the analysis of the generalized parameter and a standard deviation distributions on an informational entropy (I*) axis are given. The concept of physiological norm is given and the form of the qualifier on levels of physiological states is offered. Overlapping of a scale of entropy production surplus for heart rhythm diagram and scales of a functional condition of an organism has allowed to optimize an estimation of a level of a functional condition on parameters number and to apply it in the form of known system of classification \"Traffic light\". Appeared, that the parameter of entropy production surplus quantitatively defines a condition of physiological norm and all steps of health in classifications of functional conditions by a 7-ball scale, and distribution of values of the generalized combined parameter by a scale informational entropy on the mass diagram shows character of changes of a heart rhythm regulation mechanism balancing condition.
Pages: 3-13

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