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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Conception of the mobile autonomous service medical robots
D.A. Rogatkin, D.G. Lapitan, L.G. Lapaeva
World over the explosive interest to medical robotic systems including mobile service medical robots (SMR) is observed. However there is a certain gap in scientific, engineering and technical theoretical foundations of creation of SMR and their functioning in clinics. Therefore, this article presents the formalized theoretical engineering approach to the task of engineering and technical description of SMR functioning in clinics. The expert assessment of perspective purpose functions of SMR was received and on the basis of which the generalized concept of SMR functioning in clinics was formulated using engineering and technical language. It is shown that the modern SMR operates algorithmically i.e. in this sense it is a finite automaton of Turing. The thesis about the existence of a limited and exhaustive set of elementary behavior algorithms of the robot which is a basis of any situational behavior of the SMR at the performing of any task was formulated and justified. In the case, a generalized problem for the robot can be divided into a series of simple subtasks. Depth of \"embedding\" of subtasks to each other is determined by the existence of some set of elementary subtasks whish correspond to the sets of elementary algorithms and objective functions which further fragmentation into smaller algorithms is impossible or impractical. Formal engineering and technical description as well as analysis of the objective functions for SMR were performed. Their hierarchy was defined and priorities in conditions of conflicting objectives were set. The thesis about the defining role of sensitive organs of the robot in formation of a set of habitat variables as well as a set of variables of the internal environment of the robot was formulated. The habitat and the internal environment of SMR in clinics must be described on the basis of object-oriented paradigm with assignment for all objects of environment only those of their unique individual properties (parameters, variables) which sensitive organs of the robot together with the built-in system of pattern recognition are capable to \"see\" and classify. The objective functions of SMR can to be then formally presented on the high level programming languages as conditions for the continuation/termination of execution of cyclic algorithmic procedures based on a comparison of these parameters in the form their current situational and set target values. From the combination of solutions obtained, the scientific-proved and generalized block diagram of the considered SMR was developed. The first contours of approach to the methodology and to stages of formulation of specialized medical and technical requirements to this class of medical automated systems were formulated.
Pages: 46-56

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