350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №3 for 2023 г.
Article in number:
Conception of the mobile autonomous service medical robots
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 004.896, 616.78

D.A. Rogatkin, D.G. Lapitan, L.G. Lapaeva


In this paper prospects of creation and functioning of the autonomous mobile service medical robots (SMR) were investigated. The expert assessment of perspective purpose functions of SMR was received on the basis of which the generalized concept of SMR functioning in clinics was formulated using engineering and technical language. The thesis about existence of a limited and exhaustive set of elementary behavior algorithms of the robot which is a basis of any situational behavior of the SMR at the performing any task was formulated and justified. The thesis about a defining role of sense organs of the robot in formation of a set of habitat variables as well as a set of variables of the internal environment of the robot was formulated. Formal engineering and technical description and analysis of the objective functions for SMR were performed. The scientific-proved and generalized block diagram of the considered SMR was developed as well as the first contours of approach to the methodology and formulation stages of medical and technical requirements to SMR were formulated.

Pages: 56-66
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Date of receipt: 22 февраля 2013 г.