350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Genetic projection operators in robotic systems
I.V. Stepanian - Ph.D. (Eng.), Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS; Leading Research Scientist, Moscow State Сonservatory named by P.I. Chaikovsky. E-mail: neurocomp.pro@gmail.com V.I. Svirin - Junior Research Scientist, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Leading Research Scientist (Moscow). E-mail: vitaly.i.svirin@gmail.com
The using of projection operators, which are associated with principles of the genetic code, can be applied for modeling of the cyclic processes. The article shows the application of genetic projection operators for modeling of cyclic processes in the kinematics of the workers\' movements of anthropomorphic robots on the basis of projections of multi-dimensional vector-spaces with the selective management (coding) in the subspaces of parameters. Properties of discrete orthogonal transforms allow to introduce voluntary movement as a superposition of cyclic with the certain accuracy. In this regard, the use of genetic projection operators in robotics by adjusting the control parameters are perhaps. Thus, at the junction of bioinformatics, biomechanics and neurocybernetics the concept of genetic projection operators for neurocontrol robotic systems is denoted. This work was financially supported by RHSF in grant № 15-03-00519а «Post-non-classic paradigm of artificial intellect».
Pages: 30-33


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