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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The Devyatkov law (on the 40th anniversary of the discovery of non-thermal bioeffects of millimeter radiation)
Yu.P. Chukova - Ph.D (Phys.-Math). Senior Research Scientist, Academician of the Russian People-s Academy of Science (RPAS), Head of Department «Public health and ecology safety» of RPAS, Director of the Krasnopresnenskiy Ecological Fund
Discovery of nonthermal resonant bioeffects of MM radiation has designated some theoretical problems of global scale. All of them by present time are successfully resolved. The formula for not ordinary dependence of bioeffect on the absorbed power ("step") is received by a thermodynamic method. Academician Devyatkov N.D. for the first time has informed on this dependence in 1973. This experimental result concerns real irreversible processes, but it has appeared qualitatively corresponding to the thermodynamic limit of efficiency of conversion of energy of electromagnetic radiation of the radio-frequency range and of the range of the extremely low frequency (the Rayleigh-Jeans region) into energy of chemical bonds (the Helmholtz free energy). The explanation was given for this conformity. The thermodynamics of irreversible processes in systems under electromagnetic radiation, is direct continuation of thermodynamics of the equilibrium radiation created by works of Nobel prize winners W.Wien, M.Planck and the theoretical physicist from India Sh. Bose. Nobel prize winner L. Landau has shown, that, having replaced universal function of Kirchhoff by spectral density of the absorbed nonequilibrium radiation in the formula for entropy of radiation, it is possible to pass to consideration of nonequilibrium processes of conversion of radiation. It was made in the Chukova works. The account of entropy generation rate in irreversible processes has allowed to receive the formula for real efficiency of conversion of energy of electromagnetic radiation into other kinds of energy in various processes of the living and lifeless nature. Two types of various influence of entropy generation rate are distinctly visible in conversion. The first site (weak absorption of energy) is characterised by linear increase of entropy generation rate as functions of the absorbed power. On this site, irreversibility of process does not change a type of functional dependence of thermodynamic limit of efficiency but only shifts whole curve along an absorption axis into site of great absorption. Both curves look like a step (the Devyatkov law).
Pages: 17-27


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