E.V. Vasilev1, M.V. Pokrovskay2, V.I. Kozlov3
1–3 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)
1 strong41@mail.ru,2 mar-pokrovskaya@yandex.ru,3 kozlov380@yandex
An urgent task of electronic technology at the present time is to reduce the size of the equipment with a simultaneous increase in its functionality. At the same time, the technology of production of microcircuits and microprocessors is in the first place, the importance of which has increased immeasurably due to the widespread use of new products in the defense industry.
The main technological process in the manufacture of microcircuits is the creation of a planar pattern on a silicon or dielectric substrate by removing a conductive layer from its surface. For this purpose, radiation technologies of evaporation of film coatings under the influence of focused radiation from a coherent source of a powerful pulsed laser of the optical and infrared range are used. The accuracy of manufacturing a topological drawing of a micro-product depends on the stability of the parameters of the evaporator radiation: power, pulse repetition frequency, temporal and spatial characteristics of the heating area, temperature stability. Therefore, information about these characteristics and how to manage them is important for improving the quality of manufactured microelectronic products.
To investigate the possibility of increasing the stability of solid-state laser radiation by using monopulse optical pumping implemented in a power source with double ignition of a xenon lamp.
The possibility of using monopulse optical pumping to excite the active medium of a solid-state optical generator has been investigated. An electrical scheme is proposed for the implementation of a double ignition mode with a significant increase in the peak power of the technological laser radiation. Images of the surface temperature field in the focal plane are obtained, which makes it possible to increase the contrast of the topological pattern and, accordingly, the density of the electronic components.
The results obtained can be used in the technology of manufacturing nanometer printed circuit boards and chips with high resolution and in the processes of local temperature exposure during recrystallization.
Vasiliev E.V., Pokrovskaya M.V., Kozlov V.I. Pumping source of precision technological laser. Science Intensive Technologies. 2023.
V. 24. № 7. P. 24−31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j19998465-202307-03 (in Russian)
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