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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Epidermal growth factor receptors and their ligancds in malignant tumours: significance and prospects in clinic
epidermal growth factor receptors
EGFR ligands
general and relapse free survival
antitumour target therapy
O.I. Kostyleva, E.S. Gershtein
The review of literature data and the own results of investigations of EGFR and their ligand significance in malignancies pathogenesis and metastasizing and of their relationships with clinico-morphological characteristics, and also of their influence on general and relapse free survival in patients with different cancers are presented. 598 patients with malignant and benign tumours were investigated: 291 breast cancer patients, 44 ovarian cancer and 12 benign ovarian tumours, 58 endometrial cancers and 31 patietms with hyperplastic endometrial processes, and also 115 patients with bone tumours and tumour-like bone lesions. A general tendency to increasing of EGFR+ tumours phenotype with the growth of malignancy grade was established in different cancers. Complex investigation of EGFR and estrogen and progesterone receptors was recommended in breast cancer patients, because of auto/paracrine tumour phenotype is reliable factor of poor prognosis for breast cancer (p<0,03). And also EGFR and their ligands are significant prognosis factors in non small cell lung cancer. EGFR investigation is important for successful antiEGFR target therapy.
Pages: 50-65
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