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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Symptoms correction of chronic generalized periodontitis women in different phases
I.V. Radysh, A.M. Avanesov, A.A. Sutormina
The results of contents immunoglobulins (sIgA, IgA, IgG) in unstimulated whole saliva in the healthy and with chronic generalized periodontitis women of different phase of the menstrual cycle was given in this article. Thus the concentration sIgA and IgA in unstimulated whole saliva in the healthy and with chronic generalized periodontitis women significant higher (р<0.05) in the mid-follicular phase, IgG - in the mid-luteal are revealed. Showed reduction in the concentration of sIgA, IgA and IgG increased in the whole saliva of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis compared with healthy (p <0.05). In the complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis was accompanied by positive dynamics of not only clinical but also the immunological parameters. Thus, after treatment revealed a significant increase in the concentration of sIgA, IgA and IgG in the reduction of the mixed saliva of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis, but lower rates than healthy women, it implies the continuation of monitoring of patients. Analysis of the data showed that the values of clinical indices in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis was significantly higher than in healthy women, especially in the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. After the combined therapy in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis there was a significant reduction of clinical indices, which indicates a decrease in inflammation in the periodontal tissues, especially the mid-follicular phase. Thus, in healthy women and patients with chronic generalized periodontitis dependent association of periodontal signs of changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle. In this study the content of immunoglobulins sIgA, IgA and IgG in saliva mixed showed that combination therapy (lincomycin + Traumeel C) has a stimulating effect on the specific (sIgA) factors of humoral immunity, providing antimicrobial protection of oral tissues. At the same time establish a higher immunostimulating effect in the follicular phase than the luteal.
Pages: 6-10
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