350 rub

Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Methodology of NPS-approach to quality rating performance of account service structures
generalized NPS coefficient
final general totality
analysis of NPS coefficient dynamics
credibility theory
O. A. Malygina, I. N. Rudenskaya, A. G. Shuhov
Defects of F. Reichheld NPS-approach are sorted out, such as a too tough respondent answers rating scale and high sensitivity to inessential changes of poll settings. Probabilistic model of NPS-approach to quality rating of some class structure work is built. New concept of generalized NPS coefficient is introduced with more flexible scale compared to F. Reichheld-s scale. Analysis of dynamics of this coefficient is implemented built on using selection theory from final general totality and limit theorems. Criterion of quality performance variation of structure from concerned class is stated. A priori rating of selection bulk with generalized NPS coefficient estimator with given absolute and relative precision and given significance level is received. Compromise rating of NPS coefficient is built on basis of using credibility theory which allows getting generalized NPS coefficient rating for subsystem. Approach to accuracy of NPS coefficient increase is suggested on basis of using few estimates in class of their linear combinations. Criterion of similar check is formulated with NPS coefficient estimator based on χ2criteria use. NPS-technology of rating structure work results is developed which enables to lower subjectivity level allows us to take optimal decisions and economize resources.
Pages: 51-58
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