A.S. Matsaev1, A.A. Matsaev2
1,2 LLC «IKS» (Moscow, Russia)
The article relates to the field of physical studies of noise fluctuations or flicker noise in electronic devices and is devoted to an extended, comprehensive, monographic presentation of the material in order to eliminate the problems of physical uncertainty of flicker noise.
The results and practical significance of the work:
the physical determination of flicker noise or fluctuation drift, noise processes in a nonlinear environment as drift of the zero component of the working point in conditions of integration, accumulation of nonlinear noise deviations is substantiated in detail;
a physical definition of the processes of occurrence, increase, decrease, amplitude and temporal dependencies and limitations is given;
details the physics of flicker noise by accurately determining the place of its formation;
an original electronic model of flicker noise occurrence is given, based on the concept of reverse amplitude detection;
a method of accurate mathematical approximation of analog detection of small and noise signals based on modification of the mathematical model of the transistor is given;
an accurate mathematical and graphic approximation of the physical processes of flicker noise formation is given;
methods of effective flicker noise control are outlined and physically substantiated;
examples of the use of flicker noise properties are given;
a century-old history of the physical study of flicker noise is analyzed and the cause of previous failures is formulated;
outlined the vision of analogies of fluctuation drift and flicker noise in different fields of science and activities;
a general principle of physical understanding of fluctuating noises and fluctuation drift of the working point of the physical process in various systems is outlined.
The scope of application of the results of the work extends, first of all, to electronic devices and systems, as well as to various fields of science and activities in which manifestations of flicker noise are traditionally noticed.
Matsaev A.S., Matsaev A.A. Flicker noise or fluctuation drift of the working point. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 7. P. 51–73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202107-05
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