Yu.V. Koltzov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,
(Nizhnii Novgorod)
E–mail: koltzovyv@mail.ru
E.M. Dobychina – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
E-mail: dem5577@yandex.ru
The article is indicates achievements of domestic science and technology, in the first place, avionics of newest domestic aviation complex. The article is the second part of work and continues the cycle of publications of authors on the latest domestic fighters Sukhoi Su–35 [1] and Sukhoi Su–57 [2,3].
In this work, we analyses armaments of multifunction aviation complex Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter that rigging newest high–precision avionics. Electronic armaments including electro–optical OLS–UEM, OLS–KE and T220 complexes, helmet–mounted display system NSCI–KOS, defence VS–OAR, NS–OAR, OLO, MSP–418KE and L–150M–02 complexes, computer complex and communication complex were considered. Specifics and capabilities of avionics as well as strike weapons of Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter were indicated.
Shows the capabilities of electronic weapons Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter which satisfy the best modern designs.
Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter appears the most perfect option of lightweight tactical super maneuverable fighter.
The lightweight Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter of 4++ generation appears multifunction aviation complex to gain supremacy in the air. His uniqueness consist in applicability broad spectrum of advanced armament with quite a number novel optical systems. Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter ensures high–precision position detection and fire control.
Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter on the level of radioelectronic systems close to fifth generation.
Main differences of Mikoyan MiG–35 are integration in avionics information–sighting system of fifth generation, applicability perspective aviation means of destruction as well as increased combat stability by introducing up–to–date EW funds.
Airborne electronic armament of Mikoyan MiG–35 based on new generation technology has the following components.
The electro–optical system Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter is deeply integrated into the complex in electronic armament and capable of giving radar target designation or use its target designation to more accurately identify the target. Wherein the electro–optical system Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter has no radiation and cannot be detected.
The helmet–mounted display system Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter the system provides remote control of information systems by turning the pilot’s head, aiming data calculation and not just directing weapons after the pilot’s gaze but at the same time informs the pilot about the position of the machine in space.
Multispectral defense complex Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter includes a high–precision complex of detection of attacking missiles which is provide the field of view of all spherical space around the fighter and capable of burning torch rocket engine to detect and to accompany practically any rocket from anti– radar and anti–aircraft to air combat missiles.
Missile attack detection complex selects attacking missiles, their accompaniment and measuring the coordinates of all detected missiles. Moreover, he is capable of detect operational tactical ballistic missile launches and cruise missile «Tomahawk» a few hundred kilometers away.
The onboard equipment Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter includes small container active jamming station intended for personal fighter protection against existing and promising surface and air means of interception by creating intentional interference.
Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter armed with a radiation warning complex (RWC) whose antennas are placed on wingtips. RWC provides determination of radar types and types of attacking systems, detection and determination of directions to various complexes by radiation from their radar, ranking of detected radars according to their degree of danger, determination of the operating mode of radiating radars, electronic countermeasures controls, radar field information for countermeasures, sound signals on the radar exposure of aircraft.
Communication equipment allows you to use Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter like a command plane guidance for group airplanes. At the same time noise immunity communication equipment allows you to organize within a group of Mikoyan MiG–35 fighters informational interaction and implement the principle «what one sees – everyone sees».
Mikoyan MiG–35 fighters will be able to apply the whole range existing and prospective strike weapons including laser and long range means of interception allowing attacking targets without entering air defense zones. Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter able to solve combat tasks in modes «air–to–air», «air–to–ground» and «air–ship».
While developing Mikoyan MiG–35 fighter main attention was paid to electronics.
Koltzov Yu.V., Dobychina E.M. Avionics of multifunction aviation complex Mikoyan MiG–35. Part 2. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2020. V. 74. № 6. P. 35–54. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202006-03. [in Russian]
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- Kol'tsov Yu.V., Dobychina E.M. Avionika istrebitelya pyatogo pokoleniya Su–57. Uspekhi sovremennoy radioelektroniki. 2019. T. 73. № 8. S. 29–43. DOI 10.18127/j20700784-201908-03. [in Russian]
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