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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The intellectual «tactical» systems in the generating core of the complex technical object
the cognetive model of the object
the session of the operation
the standard situation
the generating core
set the purpose
way of the achievement of the purpose
the on-board intellectual system
B.E. Fedunov
The complex technical objects (man flying machines and unmanned flying machines, inhabited and uninhabited undersea devices etc.) are studied. For the generating core of the such object is described the classes of the on-board intellectual systems (the on-board intellectual systems, solving the tactical problems) that it is necessary for the operation of the object in the complex condition.
For object with crew (the anthrocentric object) are chosen: intellectual information system «The situational awareness of the crew» (one on the board of the object); on-board operative advising expert systems for the standard situation of the mission of the operation of the anthrocentric object.
For the object without crew (the uninhabited objects) are chosen: intellectual system «Operative set the purpose» (one on the board of the object); on-board operative solving expert systems for the standard situation (for the mission) of the uninhabited object.
The requirements to the preparation of the specialists, which will develop the knowledgebases of the on-board intellectual systems, are worded.
Pages: 46-54
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