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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
L.A. Piruzjan, K.S. Gjulazizova, И.С. Nikolaev, A.S. Kabankin, G.P. Suhinina, N.E. Pynko, A.D. Radkevich, A.R. Kuznetsova, L.A. Radkevich
Russia borrows in the lead position on death rate from suicides. The reasons of suicide behaviour are numerous and poorly studied. Genetic and environmental factors equal significance [2,3] is attached to the factor. There are messages that antidepressants at of some patients provoke sui-cide ideas [6]. It is shown, that deficiency serotonergic systems (5-HT (2A) can initiate suicide [2, 12.] Nolan K.A. With co-authors [14] have found out participation in aggressive and suicide behaviour allele Met functional polymorphism of a gene Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT-V158M). We earlier find out interrelation of frequency of suicides of populations with a phenotype slow N-acetyltransferase 2 [16]. In the present work investigated interrelations of death rate from a suicide of ethnic popula-tions with geographical breadth, and also with frequency of occurrence (ЧВ) in populations of po-lymorphic variants of genes CYP2C19*3, CYP2D6 (MXN), COMT+472, ABCB1+3435, 5-HT (2A). For researches used КС from a suicide of ethnic populations of 1980 since the annual death rates standardized on age КС correlate with each other (r = 0,98). For statistical data processing used nonparametric correlation analysis C. Spierman (rank and partial correlation). To research of interrelation of investigated parameters applied also plural Regression analysis Standard and Forward stepwise (STATISTICA 6.1) [20]. Significant positive correlation communication КС from a suicide of men (r = 0,440,73) and women (r = 0,380,69) with geographical breadth of ethnic populations (Table 1) is established. Significant positive communication КС of both floors with ЧВ gens alleles COMT+472 (r = 0,500,58), CYP2D6 (MXN) (r = 0,400,55) (Table 2) is revealed also. Multiple Linear Regression model Forward stepwise at inclusion of all variables explained 78 % (p = 0,030) and 60 % (p = 0,0853) to variability КС of men and women from a suicide. In Figures 1 (a and b) and 2 (a and b) are presented predicted КС from a suicide of men and women in comparison with observable (control) data. Regression the models of a suicide including not only geographical latitudes but also genetic factors (ЧВ gens alleles), in a greater degree were similar to observable (control) sizes КС from a suicide of ethnic populations. Established positive correlation communication КС from a suicide with geographical latitudes of populations (Table 1) testifies to influence of ecological factors of various geographical latitudes on suicide behaviour [8, 11]. The ethnic populations located at different geographical latitudes, have a various degree insolation, intensity of ultra-violet influence, and also seasonal periodicity of temperature modes of an environment that can influence suicide behaviour. However relative im-portance of ecological and genetic factors, apparently, is not identical at the population of different ethnic populations [58]. The main restrictions of interpretation of the received results of ecologo-genetic researches is that in work used average populations characteristics both КС from a suicide, and ЧВ polymorphic gens alleles. The account of heterogeneity of investigated parameters inside of populations would allow to receive predicted КС more close to real. However such data while are not present in accessible populations sources. It is restriction for conclusions at an individual level on the basis of our data. Despite of the resulted restrictions, our ecologo-genetic research, using known populations variability ЧВ gens alleles and КС, allows to assume, that our results can bring the contribution to research of genetic and ecological risk factors of a suicide.
Pages: 65-74
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