350 rub
Journal Nonlinear World №12 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Connection Delay on Processes of Oscillations Interaction in the Connected System with Chaotic Dynamics
E.V. Kal-yanov, V.I. Kalinin
Interaction of oscillations of two nonlinear subsystems is considered, each of which is described by Rosslers equations displaying at an independent mode of switching of oscillations. The numerical analysis is performed at connection of subsystems through diffusion in view of delay. With the help of bifurcations diagrams, attractors and power spectrums it is illustrated essential influence of delay in connection elements on processes of interaction of oscillations in subsystems. At increase of connection delay there is a change of oscillations structure and even movements dechaotization when the continuous power spectrum appropriating to partial mutual synchronization of chaotic oscillations, will be transformed to the discrete spectrum appropriating to synchronous regular movements. It allows to carry out oscillations control of the connected system - to translate system from a chaotic mode in a mode of regular oscillations (and on the contrary), not changing the parameters influencing intensity of stimulating oscillations.
Pages: 937-942
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