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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The nonconventional electric power industry providing progress of technologies of the future
V.P. Marin, A.V. Sidorova
The solar and wind electric power industry is the future of mankind. Constant perfection of power stations on nonconventional renewed power sources - a wind and the Sun - will result in creation of new processing technique. Undoubtedly, the question is, first of all, design of new substances and processing technique in the field of electronics, electronic engineering and electrical engineers. New arrangements for accumulation of solar and wind energy will be created. The best systems of modern electric secondary generators providing efficiency 80 - of 90 %, have today high cost (up to 4 thousand US dollars on 1 kw of power) for storage of the superfluous electric power received from a wind and the Sun. Apparently, in immediate prospects cheaper storage rings will be created: for example, recently English scientists have developed a way of application of surplus of the electric power for reception of liquid air which, if necessary, can be heated up and under the big pressure to direct on the turbine for its rotation. In institute of photon processing technique (Jena, Germany) for solar cells (SC) have put on silicon disks dense "brush" from silver nanowires, thickness in 10 thousand times is more thin than human hair. Covered such micronwires the smooth surface of silicon effectively absorbs light in a band of lengths of waves 300 - 1100 nanometers, that sharply increases efficiency silicon SC. Processing technique of the future will depend appreciably on dependability and cost, ecological safety of alternative electric power industry. Some approaches to creation of new processing technique for developing nonconventional electric power industry can be noted and now. Processing technique of reception SC on amorphous silica are rather perspective. Optical sorbtion of amorphous silica in 20 times is higher, than crystal. New processing technique will be created by design SC with higher efficiency on the basis of amorphous silica with p-i-n-structure. They are based on use of wide undoped i-area a-Si:H, absorbing an essential share of light. It is important, that in domestic practice design, in particular in GNU RIEA, very important for arrangements a windpower of blocks of a uninterrupted feed are conducted. The inverting element in this block is executed in such a manner that can, functioning from the diesel engine-generator or from a network to carry out some functions. Them can be simultaneously forming of a signal of a variable sine wave electrical pressure for work on load, realization of generation of this electrical pressure in a network and additional charges of the accumulator battery. In the near future will be created both other substances and processing technique, besides what are mentioned in given article.
Pages: 10-19
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