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Journal №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Systems of molecular-genetics markers in gastric cancer
M.V. Nemtsova - Dr.Sci. (Biol.), Рrofessor of Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics, Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
I.I. Bykov - Ph.D. (Med), Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
N.V. Checunova - Post-graduate student, Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
D.V. Zaletaev - Dr.Sc. (Biol.),Professor, Head of Laboratory Of Human Molecular Genetics, Research Institute of Molecular Medicine, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
A.I. Glukhov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor of Department of Biochemistry, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
T.V. Kchorobrich - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor of the Faculty Surgery Department No 1, Medical Faculty, I.M. Sechenov First Medical State University
We investigated aberrant methylation of CDH1, RASSF1A, MLH1, N33, DAPK, gene expression of hTERT, metalloproteinases MMP7, MMP9, survivin, COX-2, p53, and telomerase activity in 106 gastric tumor samples obtained intraoperatively, 53 gastric tumors samples obtained endoscopically, and 50 biopsy specimens obtained from patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis (comparison group). This system can be used in the diagnostics of gastric cancer, as well as for dynamic monitoring of the operated patients.
Pages: 67-72

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