350 rub

Journal №4 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Nonlinear-optical and electron microscopy of ferroelectric microstructures crystallized by femtosecond laser radiation
in-situ non-invasive diagnostics
laser annealing
ferroelectric thin films
lead zirconate titanate
second harmonic generation
explosive crystallization
A.S. Elshin - Trainee Researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: elshin_andrew@mail.ru
N.Yu. Firsova - Trainee Researcher, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: natfirsova@gmail.com
O.M. Zhigalina - Тainee Researcher, Shubnikiv Institut of crystallograhy Russian Academy of Sciences (ICRAS). E-mail:zhigal@ns.crys.ras.ru
E.D. Mishina - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail: mishina_elena57@mail.ru
The paper presents the study of crystallization of ferroelectric microstructures by thermal heating of femtosecond laser radiation. PZT amorphous thin films on a platinized substrate were used as precursor. Due to the in-situ monitoring method used, which is based on the detection of changing the optical second harmonic (SH) signal, it was managed to monitor the process of crystallization and to find the optimal process parameters. After annealing the resulting microstructure were investigated by optical microscopy, piezo-force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. These techniques gave information on the size of the structures, distribution of the ferroelectric phase, grain size, the coefficient of the nonlinear susceptibility. TEM showed presence of perovskite crystallites and their orientation and also that crystallization may occur from the surface of PZT not only from PZT/Pt boundary. It is shown that the nonlinear optical distribution shows ferroelectric phase despite the fact that in addition to the second harmonic radiation the other radiation at other wavelengths not associated with SH effect may be generated.
Pages: 14-17
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