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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Propagation of Electromagnetic Wave through an One-Dimensional Layer with an Arbitrary Complex Refractive Index
one-dimensional structure
electromagnetic wave
general approach
A.G. Khachatrian
The general approach for consideration of the scattering problem for a plane electromagnetic wave on an one-dimensional layer, having from point to point arbitrary changing complex refractive index. Basing on the one quite general property of the solutions of the one-dimensional wave equation, the problem transfer matrix, which connects the amplitudes of propagating in opposite directions waves in both sides of layer, is constructed. The connection between the elements of the transfer matrix and the transmission and reflection amplitudes of left and right scattering problems is established. Integral equations for the converging and diverging waves are obtained. It is shown, that the connection between the transfer matrix elements exists, which is carried out by means of replacing the sign of the wave number of the incident wave.
Generalization of the suggested approach for the case of an arbitrary layered structure is carried out. To illustrate the usefulness of the suggested method, we solve the problem of determination of the wave transmission and reflection amplitudes for the ideal layered structure with an arbitrary structural element.
Pages: 49-65
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