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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Network signal transmission division traffic profiles
V.P. Koryachko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: sapr@rsreu.ru
O.V. Lukyanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: luk_ov@mail.ru
A.P. Shibanov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Computer-Aided Design Computational Tools», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: mail@shibanov.ryazan.ru
Data Transmission Network (DTN) landfill measuring complex produces two streams receiving frames from the measuring systems and are satisfied their transfer to a processing center for the redundant link. In one of the streams transmitted synchronous information, characterized by strict requirements to delay the frame and its variations. In another stream transmitted frames for which transmission may be delayed for some time. At the entrance of the traffic profiled. Can be split frame AI into two equal parts for the transmission of two channels of communication with the output router. Each half of the frame forms a package that is supplied with additional service information required for the operation of the transfer protocol. When one of the channels is faulty, the transmission of both packages is per-formed on the remaining in good condition communication channel between the routers. Asynchronous transfer traffic is possible only after the period of employment synchronous transmission network traffic. If the system is empty at the time of completion of the break, it immediately begins a new break for asynchronous transmission of another frame. Based on the results of processing a large number of measurements of time packet AI on specialized communication channels approximated normalized histogram source Erlang distribution, taking into account the constant component of a transmission duration. Moment generating function is the transmission time frame for the redundant communication channel with parallel working protocols packet. Based on queuing theory for stationary frame synchronous transfer mode defined: the average number of personnel in the system and queue, average time spent in the system frame and queues, the average value of the busy period and its variance, the average number of customers served during the busy period, and its variance. Intermittent mode is the average time spent in the queue frame synchronous traffic. The proposed method allows to calculate probability characteristics of the data network, as in the continuous transfer of the synchronous traffic, and switching the other threads for processing measurements. SPD can be realized the "weighted priority service." Highest priority frames are transmitted continuously as long as they begin a period of inactivity. Estimated duration of interruption during which frames can be transmitted over a low priority and its influence on the increase in the average delay of the highest priority queue of frames.
Pages: 9-14

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