350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Condition for parametric generation of high frequency field in crossed and time-depend electric and magnetic fields
V.B. Baiburin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department - Software for Computer and Automated systems?, Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. Director of JSC "Nanocenter". E-mail: baiburinvb@rambler.ru
A.S. Rozov - Post-graduate Student, Department - Information Security of Automated systems?, Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. E-mail: fog545@mail.ru
Many works were devoted to the research of behavior of charged particles in crossed electric and magnetic fields, for example [1], but many topics are still remain untouched. Today we know generators built on devices with crossed fields, but generation in them occurs in the presence of a constant electric field. However, in [1] it was suggested that the generation is possible in the absence of a constant electric field. In this paper, the authors show that in the case of time-depend magnetic induction at parametric resonance (the equal frequencies of existing fields: electric field and magnetic induction) generation in crossed fields is possible in the absence of a constant electric field. The analysis was performed for a planar resonator system.
Pages: 19-21

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  2. BaiburinV.B., RozovA.S. Chislennoemodelirovanielarmorovykhorbitvvysokochastotnompole / IzvestiyaVolgogradskogoGTU, Ser. Elektronika i izmeritelnaya tekhnika, radiotekhnika i svyaz. 2013. Issue 8. No. 23(126). P.7-10. (in Russian)
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