350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Development of the system of regional accounts: social accounting matrix
O.V. Gromova
There is a continuing need to use recent and consistent multisectoral economic data to support policy analysis and the development of economywide models. A Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) provides the underlying data framework for this type of model and analysis. A SAM includes both input-output and national income and product accounts in a consistent framework. Estimating a SAM for a recent year is a difficult and challenging problem. Inputoutput data are usually prepared only every five years or so, while national income and product data are produced annually, but with a lag. To produce a more disaggregated SAM for detailed policy analysis, these data are often supplemented by other information from a variety of sources; e.g., censuses of manufacturing, labor surveys, agricultural data, government accounts, international trade accounts, and household surveys. The problem in estimating a disaggregated SAM for a recent year is to find an efficient (and cost-effective) way to incorporate and reconcile information from a variety of sources, including data from prior years. We consider the problem of constructing in the social accounting matrix (SAM) for the regions - on the example of the data of the Krasnodar territory. The analysis of the existing approaches and trends in the development of the system of regional accounts, reviews methods of updating matrices social accounts. One of the application areas of social accounting matrices are General equilibrium model (CGE model). Is an example of the calculation of the static CGE model, which was used SAM for the Krasnodar region.
Pages: 70-79
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