S.E. Mishchenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,
A.Yu. Larin – Head of Department,
V.V. Shatsky – Honored Inventor of RF, Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Head of Bureau, FSUE «RNIIRS» FRPC
D.Yu. Eliseev – Head of Group,
A.V. Litvinov – Head of Sector,
The structure of modern radar systems includes transmitting active phased antenna arrays with a sector mode of space review. For confident radar observation of the target, the power at the receiver input must exceed the threshold value of its sensitivity. This is achieved by appropriate distribution of power within the illuminated sector of space at a given distance. With a wide illuminated sector and limited transmitter power, meeting the requirements for a reasonable choice of phase distribution in the aperture of an active phased antenna array is achieved using approximate phase synthesis methods of antenna arrays.
Analysis of the known methods of approximate phase synthesis of antenna arrays shows the ambiguity of the final result of the synthesis, even when using the analytical relations obtained for one of the many solutions. The ambiguity of the solution of the phase synthesis problem also arises at the stage of the formation of a function describing a given radiation pattern. The distance distribution function is a composite function and contains unrealizable sections with a constant range and points in the vicinity of which the derivative of the range distribution changes its value abruptly. In the area of side lobes, the requirements for a given radiation pattern are very difficult to formulate. Reducing the side lobes leads to a decrease in the coefficient of directional action and loss of the range of the radar system. An increase in the level of side lobes indicates an inefficient distribution of radiated power in space. In this regard, it is important to develop a method of multi-criteria phase synthesis of the transmitting active phased antenna array, taking into account the requirements to the range of the radar system.
To implement the method, three target particular functions were introduced. Minimization of one of them is associated with the formation of the phase distribution in the aperture, which achieves the conformity of the shape of the realized distribution of the range of the radar system to a given function R0(p) with restrictions on the transmitter power of the active phased antenna array. The second objective quotient function provides an estimate of the proximity of the implemented and the required distributions of the radar system distance to exclude from the calculations sections with a constant required range. The introduction of the third partial objective function allows the necessary beam expansion to be proportional to the required reduction in the directional coefficient while decreasing the range of the radar system. To solve the formulated problem, a genetic algorithm was used with a detailed description of its application. In this case, the achievement of an optimal solution is achieved by successively minimizing the values of particular objective functions in the order of their priority. The method is evaluated by solving the problem of phase synthesis of a flat transmitting active phased antenna array of an active radar system for various values of the parameter determining the energy supply of the radar system. It is shown that, as a result of the synthesis, a decrease in the energy reserve leads to an expansion of the beam and a decrease in the directional coefficient of the active phased antenna array. The optimal choice of phase distribution in the aperture will allow to approximate the characteristics of the transmitting active phased antenna array of the active radar system to the potentially achievable.
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