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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of Efficiency of the General Magnetotherapy in Complex Treatment at Elderly Patients with Chronic Warm Insufficiency
T.V. Repkina, T.V. Osipova, T.V. Kulishova, T.T. Karmanova
The problem of treatment of elderly patients with chronic warm insufficiency (ХСН) I-II ФК remains important in modern therapy. Absence of desirable effect from medicamentous therapy and occurrence of collateral reactions, causes search of a new, safe and effective not medicamentous method of treatment ХСН I-II ФК at elderly pa-tients. A research objective was studying of influence of the general магнитотерапиии on current ХСН I-II ФК at an out-patient stage. Elderly patients have been included in research with ХСН I-II ФК (NYHA, 1994), developed against an ischemic heart trouble, an arterial hypertensia and their combination. To all patients in the research beginning, in 1, 3 and 6 months along with общеклиническими research methods were spent: an estimation of dynamics of complaints (on a scale of an estimation of a clinical condition), the control of arterial pressure and frequency of warm reductions, an echocardiography, the 6-minute test with walking, an estimation of quality of a life (the Minnesotsky questionnaire). The analysis of results was spent in one month, three, and six months. All patients received the combined medicinal therapy taking into account modern principles of treatment ХСН. Medicamentous treatment was comparable between groups and was regularly supervised. Patients of the basic group from the informed consent were involved in a course of the general magnetotherapy. Parametres of the general magnetotherapy were the following frequency of 122 Hz, the sinusoidal form of a magnetic field, intensity 25-30 эрстед, lifting and recession time was made by 30 seconds, an exposition of 10 minutes, course of treatment has made 10 days. Statistical processing of a material was spent by means of program Primer of Biostatics Version 4.03 by Stanton A.Glatz «Practice» 1998. Reliability of results was defined by means of criterion of Stjudenta. Inclusion of the general magnetotherapy in complex treatment of elderly patients ХСН I-II ФК in early control terms raises efficiency of treatment at patients of advanced age with chronic warm insufficiency I-II of functional classes that objectively proves to be true a scale of an estimation clinical, promotes improvement of indicators of system haemodynamics, tolerance increase to physical activity and allows to raise qualities of a life (the Minnesotsky questionnaire).
Pages: 3-7
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