350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Polymorphisms at the Glutathione S-transferase T1, M1, P1 in Lungs Cancer Sick and Prostate Cancer Sick
Davidova N.A., Dmitrieva A.I., Sevostyanova N.V., Tkachenko S.B., Selivanov S.P., Kolomiets S.A., Avkhimenko V.A., Novitski V.V.
The purpose of the present work was carrying out of the analysis of the genes of enzymes associated with polymorphism glutathion-S-transferases T1, M1 and P1 at prostate cancer patients and a lung cancer patients. Polymorphism of GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 biotransformation genes (null and normal alleles in both genes) was analyzed in 181 lung cancer patients, 61 prostate cancer patients. Healthy individuals (n=100) served as a control group for comparing the frequency of alleles and genotypes. The frequency of GSTT1 0/0 gene was significantly higher in lung cancer patients and prostate cancer patients than in healthy persons (48,6, 34,4 and 15,0 %, respectively; p <0,01). The frequency of GSTM1 0/0 gene was 59,4 % in lung cancer patients and 60,7 % in prostate cancer patients and 40,3 % in the control group (p <0,005) (OR=2,34, CI95 % 1,60-3,42). At the analysis of pathological variants of gene GSTР1 and at lung cancer patients, and at prostate cancer patients the tendency to increase in a share of patients - carriers of a mutation in one alleles gene GSTP1 (р1<0,1), resulting to production of enzyme with the reduced activity has been revealed only. Absence of authentic differences of compared parameters in groups of patients with a lung cancer, a prostate cancer and healthy persons could be result of the small sample, not allowing to extrapolate results on all population. It is necessary to note, that the percent of carriers of mutations of genes of family GST appeared is high enough (59,5 %) and at healthy persons that confirms the given literatures on high ability of genes of this family to polymorphism. Despite of it, differences of compared parameters both in groups of patients with a lung cancer, and in group of patients with a prostate cancer in comparison with group of healthy donors were statistically significant (p<0,001). Very high there was also a risk of development of a lung cancer at healthy carriers of one of mutations in genes of family GST (OR=12,58, CI95 % 2,44 - 86,71), the risk of development of a prostate cancer - OR=5,98, CI95 % 1,78 - 21,32
Pages: 23
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