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Journal Nonlinear World №12 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Simulation of Angular Noise of Spread Radar Objects
radar objects
simmetrical object
absolute cross-section
angular noices
generating filter
O.N. Akinshin, A.V. Boldin, V.V. Manujlov, A.U. Podchoofarov
The ratio for angular noise of simmetrical object with the account for it's rotation is defined. It is shown that the density of angular noise possibilities distribution of such an object is described by non-symmetrical Student's distribution with two degrees of freedom. It is proposed to use inverse functions method, based on C. Lee rows properties for decision of simulation problem of random quantity with assigned law of distribution.
The construction procedure of random quantities simulator assigned by Student's distribution with two degrees of freedom is examined and simulating algorithm is proposed. The evaluation of experimental row converdence of random quantities sample values described by Student's distribution with the help of Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion is conducted.
For receiving the indications of angular noise and absolute cross-section the set of received indepen-dent quantities is passed through the appropriate generating filter. The simulation scheem of extended target absolute cross-section and jitters is synthesized, their realizations are received. It is detemined that jitters possess characteristic peaks, conditioned by extended character of the objects and the features of its movement.
Pages: 912-917
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