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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Antimutagens and Adaptating Factors Comparison Concerning Protein and Genetic Polymorphisms in Radioresistant and Radiosensitive Human Cells
Zasukhina G.D., Vasilyeva I.M., Shagirova G.M., Sinelshchikova T.A., Mavletova D.A.
To increase human cells - resistance their treatment with antimutagens could be used as an approach compensating some primary (hereditary) or secondary defects related to increasing cell susceptibility to the radiation or chemical mutagens. Antimutagens allow to defend a cell against ROS ( reactive oxygen species ) serving as the trigger mechanism at some pathological processes. Small radiation doses or chemical mutagens as the adapting factors form such effect too: 4-5 hours cells incubation - pretreatment those become resistant against the challenge mutagens concentrations thus adaptive response ( AR ) takes place. However as antimutagens effect as AR depend on many genetical characteristics ( DNA repair, genetic polymorphism, oxidative status et al ). Radioresistant ( RD line ) and radiosensitive ( syndrome Down line) cells treated as with natural ( garlic extract, retinol ) and synthetic ( crown-compound ) antimutagens as by adapting factors ( CdCl2 in low concentration, 10-8 M; heat shock ) and then - by CdCl2 challenging concentration, (10-5 - 10-6 M) were investigated. Polymorphic genes of detoxification ( GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1, CYP1A1 ) and gene MTHFR in Down syndrome cells have not shown any difference with the control genotype. Cd-induced DNA damage has not been repaired in human cells: nor in RD-cells neither in Down cells. The induced DNA strand breaks criteria was used to determine the protection coefficient in RD and Down cells. It reached 42-84% in RD-cells treated with antimutagens and adapting factors and 42-78% in Down cells respectively. However one exeption took place: no protection was detected in Down cells pretreated with adapting CdCl2 low concentration, 10-8 M. Using cells - viability as another criteria to estimate the effect similar results were obtained. RD- and Down cells were well protected from challenging CdCl2 concentration (10-6 M ) by antimugens and adapting factors but none of Down cells pretreated by low CdCl2 concentration (10-8 M ). Thus antimutagens and adapting factors pretreatment transformed unrepairable DNA damange to repairable ( the criteria of strand breaks and cell viability ). The protection coefficient reached 89-90% in RD-cells pretreated as with natural (garlic extract, retinol ) as by synthetic (crown-compound ) and it reached 56-58% in case of heat shock or CdCl2 10-8 M pretreatment. In Down cells this coefficient was lower reaching 66% (garlic extract ), while the minimal protection took place in those cells preatreated with CdCl2 10-8 M where AD was almost absence. Protein electrophoresis analysis revealed diminishing or even absence of the protein activity in the range 70 kDa in Down cells pretreated with adapting CdCl2 concentration. Versus the protein spectrum in RD- and Down - cells pretreated with antimutagens or heat shock or another adapting factor. It seems this protein ( or proteins ) is responsible for cell ability to form AR. The absence of latter in Down cells corresponds with the absence of that in human cells pretreated by low and then challenge radiation dose ( Khandogina et al, 1991 ). Thus the possibility to increase the human cell resistance against mutagens ( radiation, heavy metals ) by antimutagens was shown : in particular to protect Down cells against the challenging heavy metals doses compensating some defects in Down syndrome
Pages: 3
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