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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Study of SAW-devices for radio communication equipment
I.V. Nikonov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Omsk State Technical University E-mail: nikonov.iv@gmail.com G.S. Nikonova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC «Omsk Research Institute of Instrument» E-mail: gnika59@mail.ru
Studies have been conducted of the characteristics of the filters and alternators with switched-surfactant resonators and resonator filters. This implementation allowed us to obtain a large attenuation in the band of the retention filters, and less phase noise in the spectrum of the output signal generators. Resonator filters and saw resonators for the discretely tunable oscillator was designed at the resonant (secondary) frequency in the frequency range from 69 MHz to 71 MHz. Modeling characteristics of saw filters and saw oscillators was carried out according to the proposed methodology. Experimental studies of saw devices confirmed the adequacy of the preliminary simulation. Experimentally measured amplitude-frequency characteristics of saw filters consistent with the simulation results. The results of the experiments in the study of the spectral density of phase noise at the same frequency, the delays were worse than 1-1,5 dB, which was explained by the reduction of the equivalent q-factor due to the resistance of the device switching. In General, however, simulation and experimental studies have con-firmed the possibility of successful design of discrete-tunable saw devices with characteristics that meet the modern requirements to design.
Pages: 59-62


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