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Journal Antennas №8 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Calculation and analysis of the base unit of the device of suppression of higher-type waves in a shielded microstrip line
V. K. Maystrenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev. E-mail: vkmay63@gmail.com
In modern microelectronic devices built with using the planar technology, there is a problem with the occurrence of spurious higher-type waves excited in the body, in which the microwave module is placed. Since the base elements of microwave micromodules are pieces of shielded microstrip lines (AMPLE) and power input and output is realized mainly by using coaxial and waveguide tracts, there is a need for better matching of different waveguide structures. During the experimental study of strip-line coaxial transitions the sharp deterioration of matching and the increase in the loss having a resonant character in the frequency range close to the critical frequencies of the higher-type waves in AMPLE have been observed. In this connection the methods for suppressing the higher-type waves, using resistive film backing AMPLE have been proposed. The paper describes the physical principle of the device of suppression of the higher-type waves, based on the use of resistive inclusions in a substrate SITS. It also describes the algorithm for calculation and analysis of the transmission characteristics of muting device SITS of the higher-type waves. This paper presents the algorithm for calculating the transfer characteristics of the base unit the device of suppression of the higher-type waves, representing a asymmetric segment, which SITS between layers of double-layer substrate the short resistive paste is placed. The recommendations on optimization of higher-type waves muting device have been given.
Pages: 72-79


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