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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Working out of a cryptographic primitive thing with use of the theory of chaos
A.V. Strukov
At the present stage technical progress in the field of communication reaches such height of development when almost each person has possibility to enter communications with any other person on a planet. Such availability of communications of everyone with everyone brings an attention to the question on desirability (and it is frequent - about necessity) maintenance of confidentiality of communication as a condition of its freedom and psychological comfort of correspondents. From the point of view of technics of communication is means a solution of a problem information are sewn up. Problems ancient as long since existence of the state, political, military, commercial secrets assumed working out of means of confidential communication [1]. Last third XX century it is noted by opening of the limited acyclic movements in nonlinear conservative and диссипативных systems with a small number of degrees of freedom. Such movements name stochastic or chaotic. They are found out in mechanical, radio physical, chemical, biological, optical, geophysical, cosmological systems. Since 1970th years development of these researches goes within the limits of the synergetrics focused on synthesis of methodological arsenals of a complex of sciences for studying of fundamental phenomena of an order and chaos [1]. And from the end of the last century, such researches begin and in the radio physicist. There is an active working out of principles and devices of protection of the information, leaning against the phenomenon of the determined (dynamic) chaos. The direction of the researches which further have received the name nelinejno-dynamic cryptography intensively starts to develop.
Pages: 58-64
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