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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
S100A8 and A100A9 expression in psoriatic skin
S.A. Ilyina, A.D. Zolotarenko, A.L. Piruzyan, M.T. Minnibaev, S.A. Bruskin, V.V. Sobolev
We have performed quantitive analysis of S100A8 and S100A9 gene expression in psoriatic skin. Gene expression profiles of involved and uninvolved (visually healthy) psoriatic skin were evaluated before and after PUVA therapy of 4 patients with severe psoriasis and 4 patients with mild psoriasis. Patients with mild psoriasis have not gain any systemic or PUVA/UV therapy before the biopsy sampling, and patients with severe psoriasis have gain systemic therapy for some years. One month before the biopsy sampling none of the patients got any systemic or PUVA/UV therapy. We have shown an important up-regulation of S100A8 and S100A9 gene expression in involved psoriatic skin compared to visually uninvolved skin of the same patients. After PUVA therapy down-regulation of S100A8 and S100A9 expression is observed almost in all samples. During the experimental procedures we have discovered that S100 A8 and A100A9 expression at one patient, who gained not only PUVA therapy, but also a therapy with hormone-based drug «КЕNАLОG», was not down-regulated, but even slightly up-regulated. The change of S100A8 and S100A9 gene expression before and after the therapy have shown a clear tendency to the down-regulation of mRNA level after successful therapy, excluding one pa-tient, and this phenomenon is correlated to the positive dynamics of the patienthood. We suppose that a high expression level of S100A8 and S100A9 genes could be a criterion of psoriatic process, and transcriptional activity of S100A8 and S100A9 genes could be used as of a molecular indicator of therapy efficiency.
Pages: 45-51
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